Sefiller (Müzikal) - Les Misérables
Sefiller (özgün adı: Les Misérables), 1987 yılında Broadway'de sahnelenen ve dünyada en çok gösterimi yapılan müzikallerden biridir
Victor Hugo'nun 1862 yılında yazdığı roman olan Sefiller'den uyarlanan yapıt, 1980 yılında Fransız besteci Claude-Michel Schönberg tarafından bestelenmiştir 8 Elim 2006 tarihinde 21 yılıdönümü kutlanan müzikal, dünyanın bir çok yerinde yıllarca sahnelendi Çeşitli ödüller kazanarak, eleştirmenlerin olumlu yazılarına konu oldu Aynı isimle sinema filmleri de çevrilmiştir

Konu başlıkları
- 1 Şarkı sıralaması
- 2 Karakterler
- 3 Adaylıklar ve ödüller
- 3
1 1985 Plays and Players London Theatre Critics' Awards
- 3
2 1987 Tony Awards
- 3
3 2008 John Kraaijkamp Musical Awards (Netherlands)
- 4 Dış bağlantılar
- 5 Kaynakça
Şarkı sıralaması
Act I - Overture - Orchestra
- Prologue: Work Song - Chain Gang
- Prologue: Valjean Arrested/Valjean Forgiven - Policemen and Bishop
- Prologue: What Have I Done? - Valjean
- At the End of the Day - Poor, Foreman, Workers, Factory Girls, Fantine, Valjean
- I Dreamed a Dream - Fantine
- Lovely Ladies - Sailors, Old Woman, Fantine, Crone, Whores, Pimp
- Cart Crash - Townspeople, Valjean, Fauchelevant, Javert
- Who Am I? - Valjean
- Fantine's Death: Come to Me - Fantine and Valjean
- Confrontation - Javert and Valjean
- Castle on a Cloud - Young Cosette, Madame Thénardier
- Master of the House - Thénardier, Madame Thénardier, and Chorus
- Thénardier Waltz - Thénardier, Valjean, Madame Thénardier, Young Cosette
- Stars - Javert
- Look Down - Beggars, Gavroche, Old Woman, Prostitute, Pimp, Enjolras, Marius
- Little People - Gavroche and Poor
- ABC Cafe / Red and Black - Students, Enjolras, Marius, Grantaire, Gavroche
- Do You Hear the People Sing? - Enjolras, Students, Beggars
- Love Montage: I Saw Him Once/In My Life/A Heart Full of Love - Marius, Cosette, Éponine
- Plumet Attack - Thénardier, Thieves, Éponine, Marius, Valjean, Cosette
- One Day More - Valjean, Marius, Cosette, Éponine, Enjolras, Javert, Thénardier, Madame Thénardier, Company
Act II - At the Barricade (Upon These Stones) - Enjolras, Javert, Marius, Éponine, Valjean
- On My Own - Éponine
- Building the Barricade (Upon These Stones) - Enjolras, Students, Army Officer
- Javert's Arrival - Javert, Enjolras
- Little People - Gavroche, Students, Enjolras, Javert
- A Little Fall of Rain - Éponine, Marius
- Night of Anguish - Enjolras, Valjean, Students
- The First Attack - Enjolras, Students, Valjean, Javert
- Drink With Me - Grantaire, Students, Women, Marius
- Bring Him Home - Valjean
- Dawn of Anguish - Enjolras, Students
- The Second Attack (Death of Gavroche) - Enjolras, Marius, Valjean, Gavroche, Students
- The Final Attack - Army Officer, Enjolras, Students
- The Sewers - Orchestra
- Dog Eat Dog (The Sewers) - Thénardier
- Javert's Suicide - Valjean, Javert
- Turning - Women
- Empty Chairs at Empty Tables - Marius
- Every Day (Marius and Cosette) - Marius, Cosette, Valjean
- Valjean's Confession - Marius, Valjean
- Wedding Chorale - Guests, Thénardier, Marius, Madame Thénardier
- Beggars at the Feast - Thénardier, Madame Thénardier
- Valjean's Death - Valjean, Fantine, Cosette, Marius, Éponine
- Finale - Full Company
Jean Valjean Tenor Valjean is released from jail after spending nineteen years there for stealing a loaf of bread and multiple escape attempts He breaks his parole and changes his identity, becoming mayor of a small town He later adopts Cosette, the daughter of Fantine
Javert baritone or bass-baritone Respecting the law above all else, Javert relentlessly pursues Valjean, hoping to bring justice to the escaped convict
The Bishop of Digne baritone The bishop houses Valjean after his release from jail and gives him the gifts of silver and absolution
Fantine mezzo-soprano A worker who loses her job and becomes a prostitute in order to pay the Thénardiers for the welfare of her daughter
Young Cosette mezzo-soprano Ten-year-old Cosette, the daughter of Fantine that is forced to work by the Thénardiers
Madame Thénardier mezzo-soprano The unscrupulous wife of M Thénardier
M Thénardier baritone or tenor A second-rate thief, M Thénardier runs a small inn
Gavroche boy soprano Gavroche is a street-wise urchin
Enjolras baritone or tenor Enjolras leads Marius and the rest of the student revolutionaries
Marius Pontmercy tenor Marius, student revolutionary, is close with Éponine, but in love with Cosette
Éponine mezzo-soprano Daughter to the Thénardiers, Éponine grew up with Cosette and is in love with the same man as Cosette
Cosette soprano Cosette, the daughter of Fantine, returns Marius' love
Adaylıklar ve ödüller
1985 Plays and Players London Theatre Critics' Awards
- Best New Musical (nominations, 11 out of 23)
1987 Tony Awards
- Tony Award for Best Musical - Cameron Mackintosh, producer; Claude-Michel Schönberg, music; Alain Boublil and Herbert Kretzmer, lyrics (KAZANDI)
- Tony Award for Best Book of a Musical - Claude-Michel Schönberg and Alain Boublil (KAZANDI)
- Tony Award for Best Original Score Claude-Michel Schönberg, Alain Boublil, and Herbert Kretzmer (KAZANDI)
- Tony Award for Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Musical - Terrence Mann
- Tony Award for Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Musical - Colm Wilkinson
- Tony Award for Best Performance by a Featured Actor in a Musical - Michael Maguire (KAZANDI)
- Tony Award for Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a Musical - Frances Ruffelle (KAZANDI)
- Tony Award for Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a Musical - Judy Kuhn
- Tony Award for Best Scenic Design - John Napier (KAZANDI)
- Tony Award for Best Costume Design - Andreane Neofitou
- Tony Award for Best Lighting Design - David Hersey (KAZANDI)
- Tony Award for Best Direction of a Musical - Trevor Nunn and John Caird (KAZANDI)
2008 John Kraaijkamp Musical Awards (Netherlands)
- John Kraaijkamp Musical Award for Best Featuring Actor in a large musical production - Wim van den Driessche
- John Kraaijkamp Musical Award for Best Featuring Actor in a large musical production - René van Kooten (KAZANDI)
- John Kraaijkamp Musical Award for Best Supporting Actress in a large musical production - Marjolein Algera
- John Kraaijkamp Musical Award for Best Supporting Actor in a large musical production - Jamai Loman (KAZANDI)
- John Kraaijkamp Musical Award for New Talent - Freek Bartels (KAZANDI)
- John Kraaijkamp Musical Award for Best Lighting Design - David Hersey and Richard Pacholski (KAZANDI)
- John Kraaijkamp Musical Award for Best Script - Alain Boublil and Jean- Marc Natel