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complete, crazy, denmedikçe, faith, hadith, meaning, person

A Crazy Person Would Not Be Complete, Meaning Faith Denmedikçe İs There A Hadith?

Eski 10-11-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

A Crazy Person Would Not Be Complete, Meaning Faith Denmedikçe İs There A Hadith?

A crazy person would not be complete, meaning faith denmedikçe Is there a hadith?
Hakkında A crazy person would not be complete, meaning faith denmedikçe Is there a hadith?

A crazy person would not be complete, meaning faith denmedikçe Is there a hadith?

Question of the hadith's account could not find a suitable expression However, in a style reminiscent of the meaning of this hadith in question:

Abu Said al-Hudrî tells the Prophet (pbuh) said:

"God is so much mention, up-people-you mad / crazy, no matter" (Ahmad b Hanbal, 3 / 68, the judge, 1 / 499; Mecmau'z-Zevaid, 10/16)

Hz Veysel Karani zuhd life and piety, such as showing severe on some people, who think that the surroundings would have been mad (See Ghazali, enliven, 3 / 217)

However, in Ghazali İhya'da a hadith from the "pure ones constitute the vast majority going to heaven" Were called According to Ghazali this means that people are busy so that the affairs of the Hereafter, world affairs, and therefore do not give much importance to the pure / in consideration of some others appear to be mad However, this is not authentic hadith reported (See Iraq, Tahricu ahadisi'l-fortunate, agy)

Hasan-ı Basri shine on this issue at a information hazretleri again during some sermons that we can find these words:

"We have seen people like that (referring to tabiini sees big companions and), if you saw them, 'they mecnundu' going to say If they saw you, 'these are the devil' they say "(See revived, 3 / 217)

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