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islâm, kabe, makkah

Before İslam Makkah And Kabe

Eski 10-11-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Before İslam Makkah And Kabe

Hakkında Before Islam MAKKAH AND KABE


The first building on earth to worship God, we are all tending towards the Kaaba kıblegâh prayers (5) as the orders of Allah Prophet Abraham and his son By Isma'il (6) up to 2000 years before Christ was in Mecca (7) to mark the location of the start Tavâfa, south-east corner of the Kaaba (Rükn-i-i Hajar Aswad) in the "-i Aswad Hajar called as a black stone Ibrahim, Abu Kubeys bringing the mountain still has the corner After the completion of construction Hz Abraham's son as the first go around İsmâil'le have done together, all the people on pilgrimage, has been invited to visit the Kaaba (8)

The city of Mecca, the Prophet The Prophet (PBUH) 's by a large dedelerinden Kusayy, was established long after the construction of the Kaaba The Kaaba was built to worship God, in time, "Tawhid faith" of the unutulmasıyla, filled with beliefs, has become the center of Mecca puperestliğin

a) Related to the Kaaba in Mecca and special tasks

Kusayy founded the city of Mecca, the city administration, and maintenance of the Kaaba Kaaba Visitors to some of the tasks related to the service was established These services Hz Carried out by persons who are descendant of Ishmael Some of these services and tasks are as follows:

1 - Hijaab: shortness of Kaaba curtain and the duty of carrying keys

2 - Sika: Visitors to the Kaaba and Zamzam water wells to supply the duty of care

3 - Rifai: Kaaba in Mecca for visiting dignitaries hospitality, hosting and helping those who need service

4 - Nedve: Kusayy made by the "Nedve Dâru'n-called" consultation with the task of chairing the meetings of the council building War, peace and all the other important affairs of the country the decision, where the meetings were given Those under the age of forty, alınmazlardı this parliament

5 - Liva: In time of war and the duty of the soldier carrying the flag of the collection

6 - Kiyak: the duty of commanding soldiers in battle

7 - Sefâre: the same community as a referee in the conflicts that occur between individuals or tribes arabulma service

8 - Treasury-i emvâl: prepared for the weapons of war, the duty to maintain property and equipment

9 - Ezlâm: Arrows is the job of looking at the fortune

Next to his idol is placed on the Kaaba Hubel had read three fortunes One of them: "emeranî rabbi" (my Lord ordered me), and the other "nehânî Lord" (Lord has made me ban), it was written And the third was empty

Of service to the people who can not decide, no one in charge ezlâm işiyle çekerdi one of the arrows through this If the first arrow, does the job intended, and the second if he vazgeçerdi work Third, if, he will defer the job for a year, next year yenilerdi fortune

10 - Nezar: one from the control and ex-----tion of goods transported to another location after the "transport license" to the task

Each of these services is considered a great honor among the Arabs and all of the tasks in the hands of Kusayy'ın toplanmışken then distributed among the Quraysh

b) the Zamzam Water

Hz Abraham, BC about 2000 years ago, the Sumerian cities of Iraq, "Ur" website was born After the Prophet, had invited people to a single faith in God, the ruler of Babylon was set on fire by Nimrod But it made no burning fire on the orders of Allah (9) He moved to Palestine who believe in İbrâni'lerle Once so went to Egypt, where they can not find anyone who believes in him, he returned to Palestine again

Hz Abraham's wife Hagar emmekte with his mother to his son as yet Ishmael at Allah's command take Palestine, Mecca, where it took me to the Kaaba Aspects of the water, leaving them a vocabulary left palm and a kırba returned to Palestine During that time, yet has the Kaaba, built out the city of Mecca What people around, nor water, nor were signs of life

Hz Abraham, his wife and children to see them leave after uzaklaştıktan, towards the location of the Kaaba:

"Lord, your holy house next to a portion of zürriyetimden, crop ends (barren), placed in a promise" Our Lord, (beyt'inde) kılmaları prayer for the hearts of the people some of the meylettir them, to be grateful for them "( fruits rızıklandır 10) that Allaah, and he went away

After the sides of the palm and the water, where children leave Hajar, hoping to find a life companion, view, and a few sips of water while coming back and forth between the hills Safa and an angel to Mary, with Zamzam water have revealed that heel Hacer drank blood from it into the blood, and God hamdetti nursed her child

c) Establishment of the City of Mecca

Hz Isma'il, then settled in this region, "Cürhümîler" He married a girl from He is Hebrew, Cürhümîler Yemeni Aribe (pure) Arablarındandı For this reason, İsmâiloğullarına "müsta'rabe (arablaşmış) arabları is called

Yemen "Seylü'l-arim" (11) from the area after the flood disaster in the so-called Huzâa tribe, with the help of İsmâiloğullarının, Cürhümîleri rode from Mecca, was released Cürhümîler, the Kaaba was a gift of gold and other precious goods Zamzam wells statues of deer out and, after filling out on the earth, fled from Mecca to bring the well become uncertain So Zamzam well was closed for a long time

Dominated region of Mecca and the Kaaba muhafızlığı Huzâalılarda until three centuries after their stay at the Kilâb (Judge) 's son Kusayy, 5 th century AD muhafızlığını seized the Kaaba Passing per Quraysh, Huzâalıları pulled from this region Founded the city around the Kaaba in Mecca today After his death, the tribal chairman and his son Abdimenâfa muhâfızlığı Kaaba, it was also the son Hâşim'e Hashim went to trade in Gaza, died in Damascus at a time, Rifai (visitors are welcome, and hosting) and Sika (supplying water to the visitors) took over their duties to his younger brother Muttalib

d) The name Abdülmuttalib remained Şeybe'nin

Hashim, the tribe in Medina Hazrec Neccar arm Amr's sons married the daughter of Selma, "Shaybah" had a son named Selma separated from Medina, the Medina dayılarının Shaybah grown alongside Hâşim'in after the death of his uncle Muttalib brought him to Mecca Mekkeliler Muttalib saw a boy next to strangers, because they thought Şeybeyi Muttalib'in slave, her "Abdülmuttalib" they said So Shaybah, was known as Abdülmuttalib

e) Two sacrifice his son

Abdülmuttalib, 10 in case of his son, one of them dedicated to the sacrifice to God (12) The old customs, as to us 'S dream of a son of Abraham sees Hzİsmâil I are eager to sacrifice (13) recalls

Abdülmuttalib, drawing lots among various zevcelerinden 10 when his son wanted to accomplish by pulling adağını Setup according to the results, the future Prophet (PBUH) 's which will be Abdullah's father had to be sacrificed One arrafe (female priest) of adhering to the advice, with a certain number of camels were drawing lots between Abdullah Setup Abdullah decreases, the number of camels of ten increased, re-taken Draw shot, starting with 10 camels, camels camels They indeed when the number 100 was hit (14) Thus, 100 instead of Abdullah's camel was sacrificed In this event, and came as a descendant Mark Rasûlulllah attempt to sacrifice Ishmael (PBUH), Lord:

"I'm the son of two-sacrifice" (15) were transferred commanded Until then, the dietary 10 camels (the blood of a person killed in the price), this after the event, 100 camel rose (16) Islamic law that the blood price of 100 camels, from the time of this incident here is based on customs

f) Cleaning the well of Zamzam

Muttalib'in after the death, the tribe was given the presidency with Abdülmuttalib'e Rifai and Sika services Abdülmuttalib, re-locate the goose is Zamzam Di Shouted the well in the golden deer fled from Mecca to Cürhümîlerin statues, swords and armor removed and cleaned well Well of Zamzam administration, remained in his sons Abdülmüttalib

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