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Supply And İnstallation Of Hardware And Software For İct Classrooms İn 4712 Primary Education Schools

Eski 08-24-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Supply And İnstallation Of Hardware And Software For İct Classrooms İn 4712 Primary Education Schools

Supply and Installation of Hardware and Software for ICT Classrooms in 4712 Primary Education Schools

International Invitation for Tenders
Turkish Education Framework Project B
Invitation for International Competitive Bidding for the Supply and Installation of Hardware and Software for ICT Classrooms in 4712 Primary Education Schools
Contract/Bid Number: (EIB-B/01-ICB)

1 The Republic of Turkey, through the Ministry of National Education (hereinafter referred to as "the Borrower") has received a loan from the European Investment Bank- EIB (hereinafter referred to as "the Bank")- towards the cost of the Turkish Education Framework Project A and B
2 This International Invitation for Tenders relates to the contract for the "Supply and Installation of Hardware and Software for ICT Classrooms in 4712 Primary Education Schools"
3 The contract is expected to be implemented from January 2009 to October 2009 The list of the schools and their provinces where the supply and installation will be done are available in site table in the technical specifications
4 The total number of contract packages (lots) is twelve (12) and the bidders have the option to bid for any and more packages Bids will be evaluated package-wise Subject to a bidder meeting the minimum qualification criteria for one or more contract packages as specified in the bidding document, the award will be made by evaluating them simultaneously so as to minimize the combined cost of all the responsive packages
5 The Purchaser shall award the contract to the Bidder whose offer has been determined to be the lowest evaluated bid and is substantially responsive to the bidding documents, provided further that the bidder is determined to be qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily
6 Bidding will be conducted using the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures specified in the World Bank's Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and is open to all Bidders from eligible source countries as defined in the Guidelines that meet the following minimum qualification criteria

I Experience:
a) Market Existence: The bidder should demonstrate that it has successfully supplied information technology (computer hardware and software) for the last five (5) years (2003-2007)
The bidder should demonstrate that it has minimum five (5) years (2003-2007) of experience in the IT sector
b) General IT Services Capacity: The bidder should demonstrate that it has successfully provided IT services delivery in at least 150 scattered locations in a single contract and at least 2-year warranty services in the last five (5) years (2003-2007) for each package Scattered locations mean different buildings in at least 8 different provinces
c) Market Capacity: The bidder should demonstrate that it has successfully supplied at least 1000 (one thousand) PCs in a single contract and at least 2-year warranty services in the last five (5) years (2003-2007) for each package
d) The bidder should demonstrate that it will establish at least one technical support center which has TSE (Turkish Standards Institute) certificate for each package he proposed Technical support center will be established in one of the provinces covered under the related bid packages The support centers will belong to bidders and also contractual agreements with third parties will be accepted
e) The bidder shall provide complete and accurate information about any case or arbitration and other judicial actions related to its ongoing or completed contracts in the last five (5) years An inconsistent history of awards against the bidder or any partner of a joint venture may result the rejection of the bid
II Financial Status:
a) The bidder should demonstrate that it has an average annual turnover over the last five (5) years (2003-2007) not less than Euro 10 Million or equivalent amount for each package For bids more than one package the qualification requirement will be summation of the requirement for all packages under consideration for combined evaluation
b) The bidder should submit the balance sheets and income statements for the last five (5) years (2003-2007) Incomes will be demonstrated for only marketing in IT sector of income statement table approved by the Certificated Accountant for each year
c) The bidder should demonstrate that it has access to or has available liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and cash flow for a period of next one year after the bid submission date at an amount not less than Euro 15 Million or equivalent for each package
III Joint Ventures:
The bidder lacking delivery and such other services and wishing to associate with firms experienced in providing such services are allowed to do so In such a case, the qualifications and experience of all joint venture partners will be taken into account in determining the qualifications of the bidder with respect to the above criteria for services The Joint Ventures which are formed in accordance with ITB Clause 62 should comply with the criteria (I) and (II) above where lead partner shall meet not less than 60% and each of the partners shall meet not less than 40% of each criterion with an exception that the criteria I (a) shall be met fully by the lead partner The bidder shall furnish as part of the bid, all necessary information about such joint venture partners
All firms registered in countries eligible to the Bank under the above financing are invited to participate in the tender

7 Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from The Ministry of National Education, Projects Coordination Center and inspect the bidding documents at the address given below (1) from 09:00 to 17:00 hour's local time on all working days
8 A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested Bidders on the submission of a written application to the address below Projects Coordination Center, MEB Beşevler Campus C Block Beşevler, ANKARA, TURKEY and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of Turkish Lira (TL) 250 The method of payment will be bank transfer to the account of Ministry of National Education, Merkez Saymanlığı TC Merkez Bankası, Ankara Branch, Account No: 35101587-3, SWIFT Code: TCMBTR2A and the IBAN Code: TR92 0000 1001 0000 0350 1015 87 The payment can also be made directly to the accounting officer's cashier desk at the address, Selanik Cad SSK İşhanı A2 Block, 11th Floor, Kızılay, Ankara, Turkey The Bidding Documents will be sent by airmail for overseas delivery or courier for local delivery if so requested by the bidder provided that a copy of the receipt authenticating the payment is enclosed to the request letter
9 All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes bearing the mention "Supply and Installation of Hardware and Software for ICT Classrooms in 4712 Primary Education Schools- Lot Name" not later than 14:00 on March 23, 2009 at the following address (2) All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of not less than TL 175,000 (one hundred seventy five thousands) or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency Late bids will be rejected Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders' representatives who choose to attend at the address below (3) at 14:00 on March 23, 2009
10 The attention of prospective Bidders is drawn to (i) the fact that they will be required to certify in their bids that all software is either covered by a valid license or was produced by the Bidder and (ii) that violations are considered fraud, which is, among other remedies, punishable by potential blacklisting from participation in future European Investment Bank-financed procurement
(1) The Ministry of National Education, Projects Coordination Center
Mr Mahmut TÜNCEL, Director
MEB Besevler Campus, C Block Besevler, ANKARA, TURKEY
Floor Number: 4, Room Number: 413
Phone: +90(312)2123870-2120349 & Fax: +90(312)2129304
E-Mail: sep-procurement@mebgovtr
MONE website http://wwwmebgovtr
PCC website http://projelermebgovtr
(2) The Ministry of National Education, Projects Coordination Center
MEB Besevler Campus, C Block Besevler, ANKARA, TURKEY
Floor Number: 4, Room Number: 413
(3) The Ministry of National Education, Projects Coordination Center
MEB Besevler Campus, C Block Besevler, ANKARA, TURKEY
Floor Number: Basement Floor, Room Number: Meeting Room

Ayrıntılı Bilgi İçin :wwwmebgovtr

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