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lansing, yönetim

Lansing Yönetim

Eski 08-20-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Lansing Yönetim

Yerel yönetim
Lansing is administered under a mayor-council government, more specifically a "strong mayor" setup in which the mayor holds most of the city's administrative powers, such as appointment of department heads and drafting and administering a city budget, though the council must approve his/her actions The mayor is elected at-large every four years The city clerk is an elected every four years Lansing is different from most US cities in that its eight-member city council includes four members each elected from one of four wards, as well as four "at-large" members elected citywide The reasoning behind this system is that while each ward of the city gets its own representation, the at-large councilmembers serve as a voice for often- underrepresented neighborhoods in those wards

Dosya:28 Lansing City HallJPG
Lansing City Hall & Lansing Police Department Central Precinct

The current mayor is Virgil Bernero, who took office on January 1, 2006
The city clerk is Chris Swope
The city council members are:

Eric Hewitt (1st Ward)
Sandy Allen (2nd Ward), Tina Houghton will take office January 1, 2010
A'Lynne Robinson (3rd Ward and Council Vice President)
Tim Kaltenbach (4th Ward), Jessica Yorko will take office January 1, 2010
Kathie Dunbar (at-large)
Brian Jeffries (at-large)
Derrick Quinney (at-large and Council President)
Carol Wood (at-large)

List of Mayors of Lansing, Michigan

Kaynak : Wikipedia

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