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abba, good

Abba - As Good As New

Eski 07-18-2008   #1

Abba - As Good As New

I'll never know why I had to go
Why I had to put up such a lousy rotten show
Boy, I was tough, packing all my stuff
Saying I don't need you anymore, I've had enough
And now, look at me standing here again 'cause I found out that
Ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma my life is here
Gotta have you near

As good as new, my love for you
And keeping it that way is my intention
As good as new and growing too
Yes, I think it's taking on a new dimension
It's as good as new, my love for you
Just like it used to be and even better
As good as new, thank God it's true
Darling, we were always meant to stay together

Feel like a creep, never felt so cheap
Never had a notion that my love could be so deep
How could I make such a dumb mistake
Now I know I'm not entitled to another break
But please, baby, I beg you to forgive 'cause I found out that
Ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma my life is here
Gotta get you near

I thought that our love was at an end but here I am again

As good as new, my love for you
And keeping it that way is my intention
As good as new and growing too
Yes, I think it's taking on a new dimension
It's as good as new, my love for you
Just like it used to be and even better
As good as new, thank God it's true
Darling, we were always meant to stay together

Yes the love I have for you feels as good as new
Darling, we were always meant to stay together

Hakan Guven®
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