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art, death, doors, limbonic

Limbonic Art - Seven Doors Of Death

Eski 08-13-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Limbonic Art - Seven Doors Of Death

Woe be unto him who ventures near

Without knowledge

Ultra violent scenarios

Anguish crying

Images from the beyond

Nightmares never dying

Within the realm of desperation

Seeking lexis of illumination

Psychological terror permanent psychosis

A sculpture in the land of decay

Woe be unto him who opens

The seven dreaded gateways

Asylum of neurotic minds

Devour all consciousness

Insanity is there to find

Dominion of darkness

Restless days and sleepless nights

Drawn in the direction of the moon

Infernal magnet to mysterious destiny

Beyond the grave of doom

Walk and dream amongst the dead

Anger and pain resurrected

Necropolis manifestation

Supernatural obsession

Phantasmagorical state of mind

Trapped in another dimension of time

In a paradise lost

Endless horizon of wilderness and holocaust

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