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art, damned, limbonic, voyage

Limbonic Art - Voyage Of The Damned

Eski 08-13-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Limbonic Art - Voyage Of The Damned

Where can we find the wisdom we need

What is the cure when the soul bleed

Show me the powers that you offers me

But even stronger than death it must be

It is so cold and dark down here

In this supernatural darkness

My mind is my asylum

A dungeon of tormenting silence

Voices leading into the night

The last agony is at sight

Staring into blackness beyond the heavens end

Praying in the shadows is death the only friend

In ancient starlight I lay the soul rotten from decay

No love was strong enough so life drifted just astray

Darkness demands life be this victim of sacrifice

In endless pain the soul is lost a solitary holocaust

One night before the dark morning

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla
Üye olmanıza kesinlikle gerek yok !

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