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Eski 07-22-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi


noun1a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages; "there is a shortage of skilled labor in this field"2productive work (especially physical work done for wages); "his labor did not require a great deal of skill"3concluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child; "she was in labor for six hours"[syn: parturiency]4an organized attempt by workers to improve their status by united action (particularly via labor unions) or the leaders of this movement[syn: labor movement]5a political party formed in Great Britain in 1900; characterized by the promotion of labor's interests and formerly the socialization of key industries[syn: British Labour Party]6the federal department responsible for promoting the working conditions of wage earners in the United States; created in 1913[syn: Department of Labor]7any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted; "he prepared for great undertakings"[syn: undertaking]
verb1strive and make an effort to reach a goal; "She tugged for years to make a decent living"; "We have to push a little to make the deadline!"; "She is driving away at her doctoral thesis"[syn: tug]2work hard; "She was digging away at her math homework"; "Lexicographers drudge all day long"3undergo the efforts of childbirth

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