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Eski 07-23-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi


noun1the locus of feelings and intuitions; "in your heart you know it is true"; "her story would melt your bosom"2the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs; its rhythmic contractions move the blood through the body; "he stood still, his heart thumping wildly"3the courage to carry on; "he kept fighting on pure spunk"; "you haven't got the heart for baseball"4an area that is approximately central within some larger region; "it is in the center of town"; "they ran forward into the heart of the struggle"; "they were in the eye of the storm"[syn: center]5the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience; "the gist of the prosecutor's argument"; "the heart and soul of the Republican Party"; "the nub of the story"[syn: kernel]6an inclination or tendency of a certain kind; "he had a change of heart"7a plane figure with rounded sides curving inward at the top and intersecting at the bottom; conventionally used on playing cards and valentines; "he drew a heart and called it a valentine"8a firm rather dry variety meat (usually beef or veal); "a five-pound beef heart will serve six"9a positive feeling of liking; "he had trouble expressing the affection he felt"; "the child won everyone's heart"; "the warmness of his welcome made us feel right at home"[syn: affection]10a playing card in the major suit that has one or more red hearts on it; "he led the queen of hearts"; "hearts were trumps"

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