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aperture, coupling, loss, medium

Aperture To Medium Coupling Loss

Eski 07-22-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Aperture To Medium Coupling Loss

* 1The difference between the theoretical gain of a very large antenna, such as the antennas in beyond-the-horizon microwave links, and the gain that can be realized in operation Note 1: Aperture-to- medium coupling loss is related to the ratio of the scatter angle to the antenna beamwidth Note 2: The very large antennas are referred to in wavelengths thus, this loss can apply to line-of-sight systems also ( 188 )
English Related Words* a dead loss
* absolute total loss
* absorbing medium
* absorption loss
* accumulated profit or loss
* acoustic coupling
* active laser medium
* actual total loss
* adjustable friction coupling
* advertising medium
* alternating current coupling
* angle of loss
* angular aperture
* angular misalignment loss
* anode aperture

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