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Ülkelere Göre Savunma Harcamaları Notlar

Eski 08-20-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Ülkelere Göre Savunma Harcamaları Notlar


* Data as of Oct 2007 See Renminbi
* The FY 2009 Pentagon Spending Request - Global Military Spending http://wwwarmscontrolcenterorg/policy/securityspending/articles/fy09_dod_request_global/ Center for Arms Control and Non/Proliferation study
* http://wwwgpoaccessgov/usbudget/fy09/pdf/budget/defensepdf
* 2009 US Defense Budget http://wwwslatecom/id/2183592/pagenum/all/
* China's defense budget to grow 149% in 2009
* Conference de presse de M Herve Morin, ministre de la Defense
* HM Treasury: Budget 2009
* Asia Times Online
* Deutsche Welle
* http://wwwscribdcom/doc/5207716/Budget-Difesa-ITALIA-2008
* http://newsxinhuanetcom/english/2009-05/07/content_11325911htm
* Stockholm International Peace Research Institute: The fifteen major spenders in 2007
* NATO-Turkey Compendium on Financial and Economic Data Relating to Defense
* http://wwwkoreatimescokr/www/news/nation/2008/01/205_16590html
* National Congress of Brazil Brazilian Federal Budget (2009) - Ministry of Defense (Ministerio da Defesa)
* Australian Department of Defence (2009) Defence Portfolio Budget Statements 2009-10 Table 5, Page 19
* http://wwwnatoint/docu/pr/2009/p09-009pdf
* Departmental Planned Spending and Full-Time Equivalents
* 516 mld NIS
* Rijksbegroting
* 25 mld PLN
* Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
* http://wwwstraitstimescom/Breaking%2BNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_337818html
* http://wwwmindefensagovco/descargas/Documentos_Home/Presupuesto_MDN_2007pdf
* SÃ¥ fördelas pengarna
* Iran's defense spending 'a fraction of Persian Gulf neighbors'
* Global Firepower, Mexico profile
* CIA World Factbook, Military expenditures
* Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL): The US military machine: North Korea bomb test in perspective
* Saorbats, Chile profile
* Ministry of Finance - Thailand
* Budget at a glance
* Uitgaven
* http://wwwvmfi/vm/fi/04_julkaisut_ja_asiakirjat/01_julkaisut/01_budjetit/20090126Budjet/Budjettikatsaus_suomi_NETTI%2bKANNETpdf
* Federation of American Scientists-Egypt Military Force
* Global Security military expenditures
* Austrian Budget for 2007-2008: 2037 Billion Euros/ Exchangerate 1:146
* (MoND Budget as of 2007)
* The FY 2009 Pentagon Spending Request - Global Military Spending http://wwwarmscontrolcenterorg/policy/securityspending/articles/fy09_dod_request_global/ Center for Arms Control and Non/Proliferation study
* Ministry of Economy and Finance of Peru
* The budget of the Azeri Armed Forces reaches $2 Billion
* http://jamestownorg/edm/articlephp?article_id=2373496 Azerbaijan military budget to increase by $343 mln from 2008 budget
* Ukrainian Armed Forces White Book
* [wwwccmrorg/public/library_file_proxycfm/lid/5590]
* Ministry of Finance and Planning Sri Lanka
* Ğ?nĞ Derece н Ğ·Ğ Derece OÑ?гРDerece нNĞ·Ğ Derece Ñ?NOннO NзгÑ?Ğ Derece ждРDerece не N мOдеÑ?нNĞ·Ğ Derece Ñ?Nя нРDerece BÑ?OÑ?Ñ?женNÑ?е CNnN Ğ´O 2015 гOĞ´NнРDerece
* Armenian military budget 2009
* Al Jazeera English - Africa - Famine-hit Ethiopia ups army budget
* allAfricacom: Ethiopia: Country to Spend $56 Billion in 2008/09 (Page 1 of 1)
* a b Costa Rica abolished its military in 1949, but the CIA World Factbook counts the expenditures of the Ministry of Public Security as military spending SIPRI lists the amount as "not available or not applicable", yet mentions "Expenditure for paramilitary forces, border guard, and maritime and air surveillance is less than 005% of GDP"
* Icelandic State Budget for 2008
* http://wwwsipriorg/yearbook/2009/05/05A
* World Politics Review | China's Latest Military Spending Increase Garners Anxious Reactions
* The Chinese Defense Budget: Myths and Reality http://wwwcato-at-libertyorg/2007/04/23/the-chinese-defense-budget-myths-and-reality/

Kaynak : Wikipedia

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