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Eroin Üretim Ve Kaçakçılık

Eski 08-20-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Eroin Üretim Ve Kaçakçılık

Üretim ve kaçakçılık

Yeryüzündeki baş eroin üreticisi ülkeler

Morfin üzerinden elde edilir Morfin benzende çözünür ve asetanhidridi veya asetilklorür ile asetillendirilir Daha çok asetanhidrit kullanılır Bu nedenle asetanhidrit satımı kontrol altında tutulmaktadır Diasetilmorfin kolaylıkla meydana gelir Aseton veya etilmetilketondan kristallendirilerek saflaştırılır
Eroin afyonun işlenmesiyle yasal olmayan ticarette kullanılmak üzere hazırlanırUzmanlık derecesinde kimya bilgisi gerektiren ve bileşenleri sıkı şekilde kontrol altında tutulan LSD ve benzeri **********ların aksine,ilk üç saflık derecesinde afyondan eroin sentezlemek için orta seviye teknik bilgi ,yaygın olarak bulunan kimyasal maddeler ve daha basit bir işlem yeterlidirSaflık derecesi en yukarda olan yani dördüncü derecedeki, batılı ülkelerde terchi edilen eroini sentezlemek ise çok daha tehlike kimyasal işlemler ve çok zor bir işlem gerektirir
First, morphine is isolated from crude opium by being dissolved in water, reacted with lime fertilizer such that the morphine precipitates out, and then reacted again with ammonia What remains is then mechanically filtered to yield a final product of morphine weighing about 90% less than the original quantity of opium The morphine is reacted with acetic anhydride - a chemical also used in the production of aspirin - in the complicated five-step process used by most refineries in the Golden Triangle The first step is to cook the morphine at 85 °C (185 °F) for six hours with an equivalent weight of acetic anhydride In the second, a treatment of water and hydrochloric acid then purifies the product moderately When the chemists add sodium carbonate, the particulates settle Step four involves heating the heroin in a mixture of alcohol and activated charcoal until the alcohol evaporates The fifth step is optional, as it only changes the heroin into a finer white powder, more easily injectable; this so-called "no 4 heroin" is principally exported to the Western markets In this last, most dangerous step, the heroin (after being dissolved in alcohol), precipitates out in tiny white flakes when a mixture of ether and hydrochloric acid is injected; this step is dangerous because the ether may explode, levelling or severely damaging the refinery (as has happened to a number of such facilities)
The purity of the extracted morphine determines in large part the quality of the resulting heroin Most black market heroin is highly impure due to contaminants left after refinement of opium into morphine which then remain in the final product; even if the final product is in the upper range of purity (80-99% pure), once it reaches the consumer, it has typically been cut multiple times
Heroin is also rarely made from codeine by first demethylating with pyridine followed by acetylation with acetic anhydride The resulting product is an impure mixture of heroin and monoacetylmorphine known as Home Bake
Eroin kaçakçılığının tarihi
The origins of the present international illegal heroin trade can be traced back to laws passed in many countries in the early 1900s that closely regulated the production and sale of opium and its derivatives including heroin At first, heroin flowed from countries where it was still legal into countries where it was no longer legal By the mid-1920s, heroin production had been made illegal in many parts of the world An illegal trade developed at that time between heroin labs in China (mostly in Shanghai and Tianjin) and other nations The weakness of government in China and conditions of civil war enabled heroin production to take root there Chinese triad gangs eventually came to play a major role in the heroin trade
Heroin trafficking was virtually eliminated in the US during World War II due to temporary trade disruptions caused by the war Japan's war with China had cut the normal distribution routes for heroin and the war had generally disrupted the movement of opium After the second world war, the Mafia took advantage of the weakness of the postwar Italian government and set up heroin labs in Sicily The Mafia took advantage of Sicily's location along the historic route opium took from Iran westward into Europe and the United States Large scale international heroin production effectively ended in China with the victory of the communists in the civil war in the late 1940s The elimination of Chinese production happened at the same time that Sicily's role in the trade developed
Although it remained legal in some countries until after World War II, health risks, addiction, and widespread abuse led most western countries to declare heroin a controlled substance by the latter half of the 20th century
Between the end of World War II and the 1970s, much of the opium consumed in the west was grown in Iran, but in the late 1960s, under pressure from the US and the United Nations, Iran engaged in anti-opium policies While opium production never ended in Iran, the decline in production in those countries led to the development of a major new cultivation base in the so-called "Golden Triangle" region in South East Asia In 1970-71, high-grade heroin laboratories opened in the Golden Triangle This changed the dynamics of the heroin trade by expanding and decentralizing the trade Opium production also increased in Afghanistan due to the efforts of Turkey and Iran to reduce production in their respective countries Lebanon, a traditional opium supplier, also increased its role in the trade during years of civil war
After the overthrow of the Shah of Iran, the new Iranian regime was much more tolerant of opium production At the same time, the Soviet-Afghan war led to increased production in the Pakistani-Afghani border regions Both events led to increased international production of heroin at lower prices in the 1980s The trade shifted away from Sicily in the late 1970s as various criminal organizations violently fought with each other over the trade The fighting also led to a stepped up government law enforcement presence in Sicily All of this combined to greatly diminish the role of the country in the international heroin trade
Dr Alfred W McCoy's account of the history of the heroin trade
Although it was beginning to become more prevalent by the 1930s, Asian historian and drug traffic expert Dr Alfred W McCoy reports that heroin trafficking was virtually eliminated in the US during World War II due to temporary trade disruptions caused by the war McCoy contends the Mafia was able to gain control of the heroin trade thanks in large measure due to the unintended consequences of a covert deal between top Mafia leader Lucky Luciano and American military intelligence The deal resulted in a large increase in Mafia influence in Sicily after the 1943 American invasion
In southeast Asia, the governments of most countries and many colonial officials had been involved in the opium trade for a very long time Thanks to Corsican Mafia connections in the former French colony of Vietnam, Luciano was able to begin to develop South-east Asia as a new source of Opium even as Iranian production declined The Vietnam War and CIA operations in Laos had the unintended consequence of first opening up many areas of South-east Asia to modern transportation and then presenting a ready-made market for the drug among the US military personnel stationed in the region
The major turning point came in 1970-71 when the first high-grade heroin laboratories opened in the Golden Triangle Prior to this, the chemical skills for refinement had existed only in Europe This gave the opium producers control over the creation of the final product The hundreds of thousands of American servicemen in Vietnam provided a perfect market for the heroin producers, and heroin use among soldiers rapidly increased In 1971 the first large consignments of South East Asian heroin were intercepted in Europe and America, and by the mid-1970s heroin addiction fulfilled its promise as a serious social problem in the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, and many other nations

Ayrıca bakınız: Afyon üretimi

Traffic is heavy worldwide, with the biggest producer being Afghanistan According to UN sponsored survey, as of 2004, Afghanistan accounted for production of 87 percent of the world's heroin Opium production in that country has increased rapidly since, reaching an all-time high in 2006 War once again appeared as a facilitator of the trade
At present, opium poppies are mostly grown in Afghanistan, and in Southeast Asia, especially in the region known as the Golden Triangle straddling Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Yunnan province in the People's Republic of China There is also cultivation of opium poppies in the Sinaloa region of Mexico and in Colombia The majority of the heroin consumed in the United States comes from Mexico and Colombia Up until 2004, Pakistan was considered one of the biggest opium-growing countries However, the efforts of Pakistan's Anti-Narcotics Force have since reduced the opium growing area by 59% as of 2001 Some suggest that the decline in Pakistani production is inversely proportional to the rise of Afghani production, and that rather than anti-narcotics activity, the decline in Pakistan is due more to changed market forces
Conviction for trafficking in heroin carries the death penalty in most South-east Asia and some East Asia, southern Asia and Middle East countries (see Use of death penalty worldwide for details), among which Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand are the most strict The penalty applies even to citizens of countries where the penalty is not in place, sometimes causing controversy when foreign visitors are arrested for trafficking, for example the arrest of nine Australians in Bali or the hanging of Australian citizen Van Tuong Nguyen in Singapore, both in 2005

Kaynak : Wikipedia

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