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informatik, things

İnformatik - Things To Come

Eski 08-13-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

İnformatik - Things To Come

too real to be a dream

the images still haunting me

i tell myself forget about it

things aren't always what they seem

i wake to the thought of

who we were what we'd become

how easily will we succumb

to my vision of things to come

endless distractions are yours for the buying

it's easy for you if your not the one dying

this life we are given must be good for something

listen to me i say war changes nothing

endless destruction i'm sick of the waiting

for humans to realize enough of the hating

this moment in time a mere drop in the ocean

with all history set into motion

too late it has begun

i'm blinded by a million suns

all our prayers will not help us

some things just can't be undone

against the wall shadows fall

nothing's left save our souls

hell's here to stay heaven's moved away

out of time the blackened sky

nothing's left and it's too late

to realize what we threw away

war changes nothing

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