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Tabula Rasa - Are We İn Our Nations Capitol?

Eski 08-13-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Tabula Rasa - Are We İn Our Nations Capitol?

Tabula Rasa - Are We In Our Nations Capitol?

Even to this day the things shes said

are somewhat overblown

This is just the way you invite her to tell

another likely story

shes gone shes gone

and were all better off now

Shes dug into your bones and bled you through

your privacy is gone

Cant you see shell steal each breath you breath

and wont stop until your broke

shes gone shes gone

and were all better off now

Only hope that you wont leave out

Each and every way she stabbed your back

You sought out to block out

its something I cant comprehend

I refuse to understand

theres no point of view

that makes sense

this situations wrong

everything has been said

why not play along

Only hope that you wont leave out

Each and every way she stabbed your back

You sought out to block out

its something I cant comprehend

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