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art, dark, heart, limbonic, rivers

Limbonic Art - The Dark Rivers Of The Heart

Eski 08-13-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Limbonic Art - The Dark Rivers Of The Heart

the death of memories

is burning in the past

"in abruptum trahi"

the blasphemous holocaust

I am born into the darkness and misanthropy

under triumphs of death and agony

the deep churnal seas

a dark cold astral void

within the blackness of sorrow

where happiness once was destroyed

I am the tempting evil in forces and streams

returned to surrender in a vast disharmony

the great captured spirit recalls

as the darkened shadow unfolds

where its necromancy lives forever

I wonder in twilight shimmering

by the lake of bleeding art

the sore energy is shivering

in the zone where shadows meet

I gather sources to complete

by the dark rivers of the heart

in the present of defeat

I am watching dreams fall apart

until death do us apart

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