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miss, mohombi, sözleri, şarkısı

Mohombi Miss Me Şarkısı Sözleri

Eski 08-13-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Mohombi Miss Me Şarkısı Sözleri

Miss Me Şarkı Sözü lyric - Mohombi Miss Me Şarkısı

Lady, I don't wanna dance with nobody but you
If you don't believe me (mamma) let me just work on your body to prove

You see shorty got it all
6 inches left
Shorty got them on
My mac lost, lips wet
Kiss me through the phone
Or better yet spend a lot
And kiss me in the 'morn
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

It's been a rough week
Another drink, please
I'm walking the floor,
That's when you do your entrance, sexy movements
You knock me off shore

Girl it seems like you need company
I can tell by the look in your eye
Could you possibly, exclusively
Give me just a minute of your time?

Lady, I don't wanna dance with nobody but you
If you don't believe me
Let me just work on your body to prove
You're going to miss me when I'm gone
Miss me when I'm gone
Miss me when I'm gone tonight
I'm going to miss you when you're gone
Miss you when you're gone
Miss you when you're gone tonight

I'd like a tropic
No one can top it
We running the floor tonight
Your swag is so sick
You got me homesick
Three o'clock and we're out

Girl it seems like you need company
I can tell by the look in your eye
Could you possibly, exclusively
Give me just a minute of your time?

Lady, I don't wanna dance with nobody but you
If you don't believe me
Let me just work on your body to prove
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
Miss me when I'm gone
Miss me when I'm gone tonight
I'm gonna miss you when you're gone
Miss you when you're gone
Miss you when you're gone tonight

Hey shorty, how that body work
Let me see that body jerk
Let me get behind it
Snap it, claim it like I found it first
Throw that thing off in reverse
Slap that thing off in the dirt
Bring up and over just enough to see under your skirt
Damn, short, you know what to do
And I don't wanna dance
With nobody else but you
See they may be a 10
But next to you girl, they a 2
And you gonna wanna take me home
Once she see just what I'm on

Lady, I don't wanna dance with nobody but you
If you don't believe me
Let me just work on your body to prove

Lady, I don't wanna dance with nobody but you
If you don't believe me
Let me just work on your body to prove
You're going to miss me when I'm gone
Miss me when I'm gone
Miss me when I'm gone tonight
I'm going to miss you when you're gone
Miss you when you're gone
Miss you when you're gone tonight

Hey! Oh! Hey!
Hey! Oh! Hey!

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