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Samsunun İngilizce Tanıtımı

Eski 08-10-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Samsunun İngilizce Tanıtımı


Samsun (Greek: Σαμψούντα, Samsounta, Amisos) is a city in northern Turkey, on the coast of the Black Sea, with a population of 725,111 as of 2007 It is the capital city of Samsun Province and an important port Samsun was founded as the colony Amisos (alternative spelling Amisus, Eis Amison - meaning to amisos took the name Samsunta or Samsus ( Eis Amison - Samson - Samsounta) as in Greek + ounta "Greek toponomical suffix" ) by settlers from Miletus in the 7th century BC It was later a part of the Pontus realm


Samsun Samsun's ideal combination of fertile ground and shallow waters has attracted numerous trade interests Greek colonists settled in the 6th century BC and established a flourishing trade relationship with the Anatolians At that time, Samsun was part of the Greek colony of Amisus In the 3rd century BC, Samsun came under the expanded rule of the Kingdom of Pontus The Kingdom of Pontus had been part of the empire of Alexander the Great However, the empire was fractured soon after Alexander's death in the 4th century BC At its height, the kingdom controlled the north of central Anatolia and mercantile towns on the northern Black Sea shores

SamsunThe Romans took over in 47 BC, and were replaced by the Byzantines after the fall of Rome In 1200 Samsun was captured by the Seljuks, to be later taken over by the İlhanlılar Samsun was incorporated into the network of Genoese trading posts and was taken by the Ottomans in the beginning of the 15th century Before leaving, the Genoese razed the town

Ataturk founded the Turkish republic movement at Samsun and it served as its base during the Turkish War of Independence

For more details on this topic, see Turkish War of Independence
The city is a Roman Catholic titular see


Samsun is situated between two river deltas which jut into the Black Sea It is located at the end of an ancient route from Cappadocia: the Amisos of antiquity lay on the headland northwest of the modern city To Samsun's west, lies the Kızılırmak ("Red River", the Halys of antiquity), one of the longest rivers in Anatolia and its fertile delta To the east, lie the Yeşilırmak ("Green River", the Iris of antiquity) and its delta


Terme river, Yeşilırmak, Aptal river, Mert river, Kürtün river, Kızılırmak


Akgöl, Dumanlı, Semenlik


Samsun has a humid, temperate, marine climate with cool winters and warm summers and high rainfall throughout the year


Samsun is an important Turkish trade centre and the most important port on the Black Sea coast Samsun is one of the major Turkish tobacco producing provinces In the later Ottoman period the land around the town mainly produced tobacco The town was connected to the railway system in the second half of the 19th century, and tobacco trade boomed The Çarşamba Valley and the Bafra Valley offer possibilities for farming
A concern of automotive industries is located in Samsun


The University of Samsun (19 Mayis Üniversitesi) is one of the seven best universities of Turkey Moreover the city has colleges, 58 grammar schools, 1048 primary schools, and public libraries

Places to see

Kultur Sarayi (Palace of Culture) Concerts and other performances are held at the Kultur Sarayi, which is shaped much like a ski jump
Archaeological and Atatürk Museum The archaeological part of the museum displays ancient artifacts found in the Samsun area The Atatürk section includes photographs of his life and some personal belongings The museum is open from 8:30 till 12:00 and from 14:00 till 17:00
The Russian Market (Rus Pazari)
Statue of Atatürk By Austrian sculptor Heinz Kriphel, from 1928 to 1931
Atatürk (Gazi) Museum It houses Atatürk's bedroom, his study and conference room as well some personal belongings
Pazar Mosque, Samsun's oldest surviving building, a mosque built by the Ilhanid Mongols in the 13th century
Karadağ Geçidi (Karadag Pass) (at an altitude of 940 metres) The landscape, on the way to Amasya

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