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arches, court

Arches Court

Eski 07-22-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Arches Court

* 1arches court(eng law), the court of appeal of the archbishop of canterbury, whereof the judge, who sits as deputy to the archbishop, is called the dean of the arches, because he anciently held his court in the church of st mary-le-bow (de arcubus) it is now held in westminstersee also: arches
English Related Words* administrative court
* appeal to the supreme court
* appealed to the high court of justice
* appeals court
* appear before a court
* appeared before the court
* appelate court
* appellate court
* arches
* arches national park
* archespore
* archesporial
* archesporium
* at court or in court
* attended before court

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