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Apple Attachment Unit İnterface

Eski 07-22-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Apple Attachment Unit İnterface

* 1&lt hardware, networking&gt (AAUI) A 14-position, 0050-inch-spaced ribbon contact connector Early Power Macintosh and Quadras had an AAUI (Apple Attachment Unit Interface) port (rectangular shaped) for Ethernet, which requires a transceiver To use twisted pair cabling, you would need to get a twisted pair transceiver for the computer with an AAUI port Some Power Macintosh computers had both an AAUI and RJ-45 port you can use one or the other, but not both
The pin-out is:
Pin Signal Name Signal Description ---- -------------- --------------------------------- 1 FN Pwr Power (+12V @ 21W or +5V @ 19W) 2 DI-A Data In circuit A 3 DI-B Data In circuit B 4 VCC Voltage Common 5 CI-A Control In circuit A 6 CI-B Control In circuit B 7 +5V +5 volts (from host) 8 +5V Secondary +5 volts (from host) 9 DO-A Data Out circuit A 10 DO-B Data Out circuit B 11 VCC Secondary Voltage Common 12 NC Reserved 13 NC Reserved 14 FN Pwr Secondary +12V @ 21W or +5V @ 19W Shell Protective Gnd Protective Ground
AAUI signals have the same description, function, and electrical requirements as the AUI signals of the same name, as detailed in IEEE 8023-1990 CSMA/CD Standard, section 7
English Related Words* a writ of attachment
* absorption unit
* abstract unit
* acceleration unit
* accommodation unit
* active directory services interface (adsi)
* ada semantic interface specification
* adam's apple
* adaptable user interface
* addressable unit
* adem's apple
* administrative area unit
* administrative unit
* advanced configuration and power interface
* advanced configuration and power interface (acpi)

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