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give, hang, hell, rope

Give Him Enough Rope And He'll Hang Himself

Eski 07-22-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Give Him Enough Rope And He'll Hang Himself

* 1allow him enough freedom and he will hurt himself or be caught If he's bad, give him enough rope and he'll hang himself The police will stop him
English Related Words* a fool and his money are soon parted
* a hundred and one
* a lick and a promise
* a matter of life and death
* a plague on him
* a priori and a posteriori
* a time to weep and a time to laugh
* a word for the wise is enough
* a word to the wise is enough
* about this and that
* above and beyond
* above and beyond the call of duty
* abstract-type and scheme-definition language
* academy of motion picture arts and sciences
* academy of television arts and sciences

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