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absolute, gain

Absolute Gain

Eski 07-22-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Absolute Gain

* 1Of an antenna , for a given direction and polarization , the ratio of (a) the power that would be required at the input of an ideal isotropic radiator to (b) the power actually supplied to the given antenna, to produce the same radiation intensity in the far-field region Note 1: If no direction is given, the absolute gain of an antenna corresponds to the direction of maximum effective radiated power Note 2: Absolute gain is usually expressed in dB ( 188 ) Synonym isotropic gain 2 Of a device, the ratio of (a) the signal level at the output of the device to (b) that of its input under a specified set of operating conditions Note 1: Examples of absolute gain are no- load gain, full-load gain, and small-signal gain Note 2: Absolute gain is usually expressed in dB ( 188 )
İngilizce Benzer Kelimeler* ablative absolute
* absolute
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* absolute blocking
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