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buldum, elektrokinezibakın, ingilizce

Elektrokinezi(Bakın Ne Buldum Ama İngilizce)

Eski 07-13-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Elektrokinezi(Bakın Ne Buldum Ama İngilizce)


Learning Electrokinesis

Alright, first off, this takes a couple of weeks to get down, so don't get frustrated if you can't do it in the first couple of days Alright now, to learn to control electrokinesis, start out but just closing your eyes, and visualizing electricity flowing inside and out of your body, like sparks of energy See them shocking, actually hear them *****ling and popping Do this for like 10-15 minutes a day, and with enough practice, you will actually start to hear little popping noises of the electricity And if you can project it out of your hands, you can try to shoot it at your TV or radio, and see if it makes the reception a little messed up, or you could try to shock someone Do this for a while, then if you want, try to make an Electro-ball

Electrokinesis Tech 2

The ea***st time to do it is when you're laying in bed before you go to sleep Close your eyes and visualize the electricity running through the body part of choice Try to do all these things one after another or mix them Visualize it running up say, your hand, in waves of electricity like the kind of waves old TV's get sometimes that go up the screen Then after that, visualize it sparking and even arcing out of your finger tips and hands Try to feel the sparks the best you can, sometimes your fingers will just go sort of numb and they will feel wierd if you try to move them Then open your eyes and do the same thing for a whileeventually you should start seeing very faint pencil thin lines of electricity or round dot size sparks or both

Electro Ball

This is basically a ki ball with electricity from electrokinesis added into it To start, visualize the electricity flowing through your body Then, make a normal ki ball, then picture the electricity bolts coming out of your hands and your fingertips, and merging with the ki ball, making little sparks and shocks around and inside the ki ball Do this for about 5 minutes a day, along with just picturing the electricity flowing inside of you Just keep practicing and with enough work, you'll start to actually hear little popping noises from the electricity, and when you get the electro-ball, you will be able to shock people with it I think that's really the only fool-proof way to test this one But be warned, don't use a lot of power with this technique on someone if you know that their power is less than yours and they won't be able to handle it, this technique can really injure someone when used with enough power

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Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla

Elektrokinezi(Bakın Ne Buldum Ama İngilizce)

Eski 07-13-2012   #2
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Elektrokinezi(Bakın Ne Buldum Ama İngilizce)

bu elektrik topuyla vücudunuzdan başka bir vucuda elektrik ilettiriyolar
ama yüksek gerilimde yapıyolar bunu

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla
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