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Book Report Anne Frank’s Diary (Anne Frank’in Günlüğü Ingilizce Kitap özeti)

Eski 12-07-2011   #1
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Book Report Anne Frank’s Diary (Anne Frank’in Günlüğü Ingilizce Kitap özeti)

Book Report Anne Frank’s Diary (Anne Frank’in Günlüğü ingilizce kitap özeti)

Main Chracters

Anne Frank:She was a lively girl who was loved by everyoneShe made people laughHer most precious thing was her diary
Otto Frank:Anne’s fatherHe worked for a bank and lived with his family in a comfortable apartment
Margot Frank:Anne’s sisterShe was three years older than AnneShe was a gentle,shy and clever girl
Edith Frank:Anne’s motherShe was a housewife

Other Chracters

Adolf Hitler:Adolf Hitler as a dictator,which meant he had complete control of GermanyHuge crowds of Nazi followers gathered to listen to his speeches
The SS:The SS were the Nazi politicial policeTheir job was to track down Jews or anyone else who opposed the NazisPeople were terrified of them
Miep Gies:She was Otto’s secretaryShe helped the Franks a lotEspecially in the war she found them food
Hermann van Pels:He is a dentist was a friend of Anne’s parentsHe arrived the annexe with his family to hide
Auguste van Pels:She is Hermann’s wifeShe argued with her husband a lot
Victor Kugler:He was the owner of the warehouseHe had a false bookcase built to cover the entrance to the annexe
Allies:The joint forces of Britain,France,the USA,Russia


Anne Frank was born on June,12,1929,in Frankfurt,in GermanyHer father was Otto Frank and her mother was Edith FrankShe had a sister called MargotMargot was three years older than AnneShe was a gentle,shy girl and everyone loved herBut Anne was a curious girlShe was always asking questionsBut anybody couldn’t resist her sense of fun
Otto worked for a bankThey lived in a comfortable apartment near the countrysideUntil Anne was 4,she had a very happy childhoodBut,then their life has changed forever
Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi PartyOn January 30,1933,he became ruler of GermanyHitler blamed the Jews for many of the country’s problemsSo,Jewish people began losing their homes and their jobs
Otto Frank decided to move his family to Amsterdam in the NetherlandsHe believed that they would be safer thereAnne’s new home was an apartment in AmsterdamShe made new friendsSome of them were Jewish children whose families had also fled from GermanyAnne and her friends liked to play hopscotch on the wide pavementsand race along on their bicycles and scootersIn the winter,Anne loved going ice-skating
Anne was a popular girl at schoolShe loved to make people laughBut sometimes she was in trouble at school for talking too muchOne teacher gave her the nickname :’’Mistress Chatterbox’
But when she was 10,her life got hardThe Germans were still very closeIn April,1949 they conquered Norway and DenmarkThen,on May 10,they began their invasion of Belgium and the Netherlands
That day,all the shops were closed and Anne didn’t go to the schoolAfter a few days of fighting,the Netherlands surrenderedNow,the Dutch people and the Jews had to live under Nazi rule
At first,life under Nazi occupation carried on as normalThe shops re-opened and everyone had enough foodAnne and Margot went back to the school and their father went to workAnne loved the cinema and collected pictures of famous film starsShe also loved swimming at the local poolBut,after a while,the Nazis made more and more rules againist the JewsAnne couldn’t do most of her favourite activitesShe wasn’t allowed to go outside and had to be quiet for most of the day
A new rule was introduced in January,1941Jewish people weren’t allowed to go to the cinema any moreIn the summer,swimming was forbidden and the beaches were closed
In September,Anne had to leave her school and she went to a Jemish schoolThe signs were put up which said:’Forbidden to Jews’ in the libraries,theatres,museums,coffehouses and the zooJewish people were forced to give up their bicycles and cars
On 12,1942,was Anne’s thirteenth birthdayShe had lots of presentsOtto gave her a red checked diaryAnne,treated her diary like a friend and even gave it a name’Kitty’
At first,she wrote in her diary about all the things a typical teenager is interested in-her exam results,actresses and actorsBut her parents were nervous all the timeHer father was talking about going into hiding
At the end of June,the Franks learnt thatthe Nazis wanted to send all Jews to work camps in GermanySo,Otto an his family decided to move to a secret annexe behid the offices and warehouse in Prisengracht
So that Frank family moved to the annexe the following dayMargot went early the next morning,with Miep Gies,Otto’s secretaryIf they had been caught,they would have been punished
Anne and her parents arrived soon afterwardsAnne described her new homeThere were three bedrooms,a tiny washroom,a toilet,a large room with a stove and sink,and an attic
Anne had to share her room with MargotShe pasted up pictures of film stars in the bedroomBut another Jewish family,Hermann and Auguste van Pels and their son Peter arrived to share their hiding placeSo,it became a crowded home

During the day,when the workers were in the warehouse,everyone had to speak silentlyIf the floor creaked or they dropped something,someone might suspect that Jews were hiding thereMiep Gies put herself in danger almost everyday,She tried to buy enough food for the families in hidingLuckily,the Nazis never caught her
Living in hiding was very hard for AnneShe wrote:’I want to ride a bike,dance,whistle,look at the world and feel youngBut now I can’t do anything’That was very difficult for such a lively girlShe had to spend hours without talking or moving aroundAt least she could tell her diary how she feltShe told that she loved her father best of all because he stood up for her when other people picked on herShe also described her hopes and dreamsHow she wanted to be a writer and to be grown up
The families in hiding were always afraid and nervousThey had to be careful and quietAny sound might mean danger
One night in April,the men from the annexe heard burglars breaking into the warehouse below and went down to lookThe thieves ran away,but neighbours heard noises and came to checkNow the men from the annexe had to run awayThey closed the bookcase door quickly
Worst of all,the police turned upThey searched the buildingAnne heard their footstepsOne of the policemen rattled the wrong bookcaseAt last,the footsteps went awayAnne wrote:’None of us has ever been in such danger as we were that night’
In Amsterdam,there were a lot of enemiesPeople who were hiding were in dangerousThe SS offered bribes to people who were prepared to give them information
On August 4,an informer phoned the Nazi Secret police,and told them that Jews were hiding at 263 PrinsengrachtWhen the police arrived at the offices in Prinsengracht,they forced Victor Kugler to open the bookcase door and showed the secret annexeThe police arrested all the hideawaysThen they searched the annexe for money and jewelleryPrisoners were walked down the stairs and put into a truckWhen they went,Miep Gies put Anne’s diary in a drawer to keep it safe
The Frank family and their friends were taken to a prison camp Westerbork,near the German borderAnne,Margot and their parents had to wear prison clothes and wooden shoes They were put in a factory to workThey had to break up old batteriesIt was a hard,dirty workBut three weeks laterthe family was sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau-a concentration campIt was set up by the Nazis to get rid of peopleThousands of people died thereThe Franks were in the last trainAnne and Margot stayed there for only a few weeksThen they were sent to another camp called Bergen-BelsenIt was also a terrible place,full of dirt and disease
The prisoners had very little food,they were starvingAnne and Margot had nothing to wear exept tagsThey caught a deadly fever called typhus and Margor diedAnne was sure that,her father and her mother must die in AuschwitzShe was ill desperatly and she died a few days later Margot
But one member of the Franks had survivedIn January,1945,Allied Russian soldiers anvanced into PolandWhwn they came tu Auschwitz,they set free the prisonersAnne’s mother had died,but Otto was still alive
On May,1945,World War II finishedThe world was at peace again after six years of fightingOtto Frank returned to Amsterdam to look for Anne and MargotIt was difficult to find out what happened the people who were sent to campsBut later Otto learnt that both of hi daughers were dead
But Miep Gies still had Anne’s diaryShe always hoped to return it to Anne but now she gave it to OttoOtto read Anne’a diary over and overAnd he decided that everyone should read her storySo,Anne’s diary was published in the United States as Anne Frank:The Diary of a Young GirlIt was also translated into many other languages
-Did you like the story?Why?Why not?
Yes,I didBecause even though terrible things had happened to Anne and her family,she was sure that people could make the world a better place
-Copy out words struck you most in the story
In spite of everything Anne wrote in her diary:’I still believe that people are really good at heart’That was a very important and good idea I think


Annexe:Rooms that are an extension to a main building
Border:The line where two countries meet
Bribe:A promise of money or a favour to encourage a person to do something
Concentration camps:Death camps set up by the Nazisin Germany and occupied countriesMillions of Jews and other groups of people were imprisoned and killed
Diary:A book used to record a person’s private thoughts about everyday and important events
Invasion:Taking control of a foreign country by military force
Jews:People who follow a religion called JudaismChristianity and Islam developed from JudaismThe ancient Hebrew people in the Bible are considered to be the ancestors of modern Jews
Nazi:A member of the National Socialist German Workers’
Party,which took control of Germany in 1933
Occupation:Holding on to power in a foreign country
Typhus:A deadly disease carried by lice
World War II :A war that lasted from 1939 to 1945Allied forces on one side fought againist Germany,Japan and Italy on the other side
Suspect:To think that someone may have commited a crime or done something bad
Conquer:To take control of a country,or to defeat people by war
Afterwards:At a later time,after something else has happened
Blame:To say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad which has happened
Burglar:Someone who gets into buildings illegally and steals things
Enemy:Person who you dislike or oppose
Break up:To divide into many pieces,or to divide something into many pieces
Flee:To leave a place quickly because you are in danger or are afraid
Warehouse:A large building for storing goods that are going to be sold


The company has been broken up and sold
I try not to make any enemies
Many people blame him for Tony’s death
I did my homework and went out afterwards
He was suspected of drug deailing
They suspected that he was lying
Peru was conqered by the Spanish in 1532
Police think the suspect has now fled the country
According to my diary,I have got two meetings on Monday
The politician was accused of accepting bribes from businessmen
Spain is bordered by France and Portugal

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