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alexander, rybak

Alexander Rybak - If You Were Gone

Eski 06-29-2010   #1

Alexander Rybak - If You Were Gone

If you where gone
The moon would loose it's brightness
Without her smile
The finch would sing no more
And once in a while
Some waves would sigh with sadness
Remembering to lovers walking by the shore

If you were gone
The days would all be pointless
And in the night
I sing the songs so blue
A song about spring
And every happy moment
When I had all the time alone with you

But your right here
And nothing could be better
So take my hand
And stay with me to dawn
And while the wind
Is playing with your sweater
I can't imagine life
If you were gone

But your right here
And nothing could be better
So take my hand
And stay with me to dawn
And while the wind
Is playing with your sweater
I can't imagine life
If you were gone

If you were gone
The world would loose it's meaning
Without your love
How could I smile again
And though the sun
Would always keep on shining
I'd never shine
Without my dearest friend

But your right here
And nothing could be better
So take my hand
And stay with me to dawn
And while the wind
Is playing with your sweater
I can't imagine life
If you were gone

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