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belirleme, miktar

Miktar Belirleme

Eski 05-08-2009   #1

Miktar Belirleme

Many + Sayılabilen Çoğul İsim Much + Sayılamayan İsim
Many students / many people

 Did you buy many magazines?
 I don’t know many people in my town
 How many classes do you take a semester?
Much money / Much water
 How much money do you spend a day ?
 I don’t have much confidence in him
 There isn’t much water in the glass

"Many" birçok cümle türünde kulalnılır:
 Do you have many friends?
 I don’t have many friends
 There are many people in this town Much daha çok sour ve olumsuz cümlerde kullanılır Olumlu cümlelerde tercih edilmez
 Do you drink much tea?
 I don’t drink much tea

Diğer Kullanımları
 Mary spoke to me, but she didn’t say much
 Do you go out much ? Not much
 I don’t like her much

A few + Sayılabilen Çoğul İsim A little + Sayılamayan İsim
A few students / a few people
 Do you have a few minutes?
 I want to ask a few questions
 I bought a few books? A little money / A little water
 There is a little water in the bottle
 There was a little traffic

A few means some , but not many
 I have a few friends
 Martin has a few problems
 There are a few people in this town A few means some , but not much
 She didn’t eat anything, but she drank a little coffee
 A: Can you speak Turkish?
B: A little


A few
Few + Sayılabilen Çoğul İsim A little
Little + Sayılamayan İsim
A few biraz, fakat çok değil anlamındadır A Little biraz, fakat çok değil anlamındadır

 I have a few friends
 Martin has a few problems
 There are a few people in this town
 I have a few friends
 Martin has a few problems
 There are a few people in this town

 She didn’t eat anything, but she drank a little coffee
 A :Can you speak Turkish ?
B: A little

A little money / A little water
 There is a little water in the bottle
There was a little traffic
(Very) Few bahsedilen isimden nerdseyse yok kadar eksik olduğunu anlatır (Very) Little bahsedilen isimden nerdseyse yok kadar eksik olduğunu anlatır

 I feel really sorry for him because he has few friends
 I admire him because he has few problems
 I am lucky because I have few financial difficulties
 I can’t afford that car since I have little money
 We were able to arrive at the airport on time because there was little traffic
 I can’t wait any longer I have little patient left

Note: Örneklerden de anlaşılabileceği gibi (very) few & (very) little tek başlarına olumlu veya olumsuz anlamlar vermez Bulundukları duruma gore anlamları olumlu veya olumsuz anlamı pekiştirir (very) few & (very) little miktarca daha yoksunluktan bahseder

+ Sayılabilen Çoğul İsim + Tekil Fiil

 One student is waiting for Dr Donald in the teacher’s room
 Every student must take a final exam
 Each exam was quite difficult
 It doesn’t matter Either date is ok with me
 I checked the tubes , but neither one contained gas

One of
Each of
Every one of
Either of
Neither of + Belirli Çoğul İsim + Tekil Fiil

 One of the students has an excuse for being late
 Each of the students has an excuse for being late
 Every one of the students has an excuse for being late
 I checked both engines Either of them is working properly
 Neither of my parents speaks German

Özel Not: every one (iki sözcük, bir miktar belirteçi) & everyone (birleşik sözcük, belirsiz şahıs zamiri) olan iki kelime karıştıtlmamlıdır

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Üye olmanıza kesinlikle gerek yok !

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