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avustralya, çirkin, girişim, işçi, partisinden |
Avustralya İşçi Partisinden Çirkin Girişim |
08-06-2007 | #1 |
Avustralya İşçi Partisinden Çirkin GirişimAvustralya İşçi Partisinden çirkin girişim! Avustralya İşçi Partisi, ülkede yasayan Rumlari, Türkiye'yi, KKTC'de biraktiklari mallar için Avrupa Insan Haklari Mahkemesi'ne sikayet etmeye tesvik ediyor Baslatilacak süreçte her türlü yardim sözü veren parti ayrica, dava açilabilmesi için 7 Rum'a ayri ayri 21 bin dolar vaadinde bulunuyorİşçi Partisi Baskani Mike Rann'in sözkonusu vaadi, yaklasan genel seçimler için çiktigi propaganda gezileri sirasinda vermesi, bu girisimin "Rumlarin oylarindan yararlanmak maksadiyla sergilenen çirkin bir oyun" seklinde deglendirilmesine neden oldu Bu arada İşçi Partis'inin girisiminden büyük rahatsizlik duyan Avustralya'daki Türkler, Rann'a proresto mektubu yagdirmaya basladi Rann'in e-mail adresine, ramsev@parliament<img src="images/sm...nlineimg" />au yollanan mektuplarda duyulan rahatsızlik dile getirilip, bu çirkin girişime son vermesi isteniyor Konuya duyarlılık gösteren, adada Türklerin katledildigi zamanlarda gözlemci İrlanda asıllı bir Avusturalyalının Alttaki mektubuyla, Mike Rann i ramsev@parliament<img src="images/sm...nlineimg" />au email adresinden kınayalım lütfen Dear Sir, Your unfortunate statement about Cyprus, is far from being correct As recently outlined the real problem is the European Union and in particular the EU Commissioner Mr Verheugen himself, who has foolishly told the Greek Cypriots that they can join the EU irrespective of any settlement in Cyprus This unfortunatelly gave the Greek Cypriots no incentive to settle with the innocent Turkish Cypriots, whom during 1960s had been butchered by the blood thirsty EOKA, ENOSIS forces trying to unite the island with mainland Greece, against all the protest of international community, until Turkey as a guarenteeing party, stepped in and stooped the massaccre of Turkish Cypriots, which I had fully witnessed as an observer during my service in the island As we know also in Northern Ireland, there has to be pain on all sides if there is to be a settlement Like yourself, UE Commissioners Verheugen assuring the Greek Cypriots that they need to have no pain and thereby makes a settlement much more difficult Finally I am pleased to hear from my relatives back home that there will now be flights from Dublin Northern Island, to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus I can assure you that it is the most friendly and beautiful locations in the Mediterranean which is still unspoiled by mass tourism projects and I very much hope that, soon we will start the same from Australia R McFee, Sydney An Irish Australian, |