Hz. Prophet (S.A.S) İn Chıldren |
10-11-2012 | #1 |
Prof. Dr. Sinsi
Hz. Prophet (S.A.S) İn ChıldrenHz Prophet (sas) ın chıldren Hakkında Hz Prophet (sas) ın chıldren HZ PROPHET (SAS) IN CHILDREN The Prophet (sas) in Hz Hatice two men, including four girls, respectively, Kaasik, Zaynab, Rukiyye, Umm Kulthum, Fatimah and Abdullah was the names of six children With the child's name is the first menstrual Arablarda künyelendirme Prophet (PBUH) to the "Abu'l-Kaasik," the statement said Kaasik and Abdullah died at a young age Girls grew up But before her father died, all of which Fâtıma'dan another Solo Fatima, the Prophet (PBUH) lived for six months after the death Rasul-i Ekrem (PBUH), the eldest daughter married with Zeyneb'i Abu'l-As Abu'l ace, not a Muslim, did not allow Zeyneb'in hicretine Was captured in the Battle of Badr Send Zeyneb'i Medina was released on condition Then, as Muslims came to Medina Took Zeyneb'i again (44) Umm with Rukiyye Gülsüm, the sons of his uncle Abu Leheb'in evlendirmişti with Utbe and Uteybe Abu Islam Leheb after the Prophet The Prophet (PBUH) to his sons because of the hostility of the pressure has to boşamaları wives They then boşadıktan, the Prophet (PBUH) Prophet Rukiyye'yi Mated to Usman After the death of Umm nikâhladı Rukiyye'nin Gülsüm So as this Osman, "the owner of two al-Nur, meaning" Zi'n-nûreyn "the statement said The smallest of the Prophet's daughter Fatima Mated with Ali Hassan and Hussein, the Prophet Children of Fatima Rasul-i Ekrem (sas) 's generation of the Prophet Fatima has continued with The Prophet (PBUH) 's Egyptian wife had a son named Abraham Mâriye'den also, but not yet two years old, entering died in emigration in the 10th 4 - Repair of the Kaaba Arbitration (605 AD) Hz Abraham and the Prophet Isma'il were built by the Kaaba, in the long centuries of rain and flood waters harabolmuş, had to be repaired Quraysh, destroying the building of the Kaaba, they decided to do again Aids gathered the necessary materials were provided Hz By destroying the foundation of Abraham until the walls began to re-örmeğe However, the "-i Hajar Aswad" I did not mix replacement in due course Quraysh all arms, it wanted to make their own glory The dispute lasted for four days, the blood was about to come off, (45) Quraysh or the old Abu Ümeyye Huzeyfe b Muğîre "will be the first person's door of the harem by the referee, he complied with the decision," he proposed (46) This proposal was accepted Soon as the door Muhammad (sas) had entered into This is so glad, "al-Sure, the hand-Sure, his arbitration râzıyız " As he bağrıştılarYanlarına, explained the situation Hz Muhammad (PBUH), I put on the Hajar-i-Aswad yaygının Kureyşin ulularına pinned ends, all together, they carried up to be placed Hz The Prophet (PBUH) took the stone placed instead Everyone was pleased to resolve the dispute in this way Thus, a major catastrophe was avoided (47) This event, Hz Muhammad (PBUH) 's wit and wisdom, as well as reputation and trust in His infinite between Mekkeliler show In the meantime, Rasul-i Ekrem (PBUH) was 35 years old As the repair of the Kaaba The Prophet (PBUH) himself worked in the stone moved, even so the shoulders had been wound One time, obeying the word of his uncle Abbas, stones hurt his shoulder dress, she fell down unconscious açılıverince have collected his body Prophet (PBUH) did not naked at all after that moment (48) |