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Batıl İnançların İngilizce Yazılışları Nedir? Batıl İnançların İngilizce Yazılışları

Eski 09-11-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Batıl İnançların İngilizce Yazılışları Nedir? Batıl İnançların İngilizce Yazılışları

Batıl İnançların İngilizce Yazılışları Nedir? Batıl İnançların İngilizce Yazılışları
Batıl İnançların İngilizce Yazılışları Nedir? Batıl İnançların İngilizce Yazılışları

Bazı hurafelerin ingilizce açıklaması aşağıdadır
Kırmızı ile işaretlediğim kısım tırnak kesme ile ilgili mesela
  • Walking under a ladder will bring bad luck
  • If a person breaks a mirror, he will have bad luck for seven years or somebody in his family will die To prevent this, pieces of the broken mirror should be buried immediately
  • If a black cat passes in front of you, it will bring bad luck
  • If someone hands a cutting utensil, like a knife or scissors, directly to someone, they will fight To prevent a fight, the giver should put the utensil on the ground, a table, desk or chair, so the receiver can pick it up
  • You should get out of the bed from the right side so that your day starts well
  • You should enter your house with your right foot so you will have happiness in your house
  • A shop owner enters his establishment with his right foot so he’ll get good business
  • You should not cut your nails at night Turkish people believe that you will shorten your life for shortening your nails at night
  • You shouldn’t whistle at night because it brings evil
  • You shouldn’t sweep your house at night Sweeping at night brings poverty to the house
  • Washing clothes on Saturday brings bad luck
  • If a woman with a headache enters a mosque and sweeps it with her scarf, her headache will go away
  • If a dog barks during the call for prayer, someone in the neighborhood will die
  • If you light a cigarette with a candle, a sailor will die at sea
  • If you see a snake on your way somewhere, it’s a sign of good luck
  • If you measure a baby’s length, the baby will remain short
  • If a person steps over a baby, it’s considered bad luck since babies are assumed to be angels
  • If a young girl wears a married man’s ring, she will have bad luck in her marriage
  • If a woman eats eggs during her pregnancy, her child will be very naughty
Here are a few superstitions specific to particular regions:
In Corum, people believe one who can eat pomegranate without dropping the pieces will go to heaven In Eceabat and Canakkale, people place a spoon into the Kasikci Baba (a Turkish holy man)’s tomb, so that their wishes will come true

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