Nebilik And Rasüllük |
10-11-2012 | #1 |
Prof. Dr. Sinsi
Nebilik And RasüllükNebilik And Rasüllük Hakkında Nebilik And Rasüllük Nebilik And Rasüllük Şüpheziz you, we witness, sent the glad tidings and a warner " (Surah al-Fatah, 8) After the first Revelation, revelation a while back was cut short (57) One day Hz The Prophet (PBUH) Hira'dan returning, he heard a voice Looking up from heaven, the angel of the cave Hira'daki saw him before Returned home in fear and excitement "Cover me immediately, Cover me" he said In the meantime, Gabriel, the first verses of Sura al-Müddessir brought "O you wrapped cover (the prophet) Get up, (men) scare and doom Praise the Lord and the name (Namaz'da bring Lindsay Lohan) keep your dress clean leave the bad things" (Surah al-Müddessir, 1-5) As with the first revelation Muhammad (PBUH), "prophet" has been, yet others, "Religious Right" with the task of notification len mist drill me This is the second revelation of the "Risâlet" was given Religious Right was commissioned by the notification But the invitation is open to me was the language orders Dinleyin Fonetik olarak okuyun Sözlük - Ayrıntılı sözlüğü görüntüle |