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Who İs Authorized İn The Name Of &Quot;Allah&Quot; And The Deen

Eski 10-11-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Who İs Authorized İn The Name Of &Quot;Allah&Quot; And The Deen

Who Is Authorized In The Name Of "ALLAH" and the Deen
Hakkında Who Is Authorized In The Name Of "ALLAH" and the Deen

Who Is Authorized In The Name Of "ALLAH" and the Deen

Currently, one of the greatest problems related to the “Deen-i ISLAM” is that almost everyone judges other's deeds IN THE NAME OF “ALLAH” and draws conclusions! Everybody criticizes each other and claims the errousness of their actions if they are different from their own actions, and then concludes that “ALLAH will not accept the other's deeds

The more a person is ignorant, the further his judgments are of that type

Before all, let us certainly know that:

Nobody living on earth now has an authority to speak, to determine value or to judge ON BEHALF OF ALLAH, -unless he is a prophet (!)- Someone claiming that he is qualified to have such an authority is most likely an insane person, and believing in such a person is a sign of a foremost ignorance and unawareness

We, all humans, can speak and express our personal interpretations ABOUT the “Deen-i ISLAM” based on the teachings of Hazrat Mohammed (peace be upon him) and the Koran al Karim However, no matter who we are, none of our personal interpretations and ideas is IN THE NAME OF ALLAH or the DEEN

Only the last Naabi Mohammed (peace be upon him) had such an authority of speaking IN THE NAME OF “ALLAH” and the DEEN on earth He has completed his service and passed onto the universe of akhirat some 14 hundred years ago

It is only after that celebrated person that everybody, depending on the amount of their acknowledgment of light from him, expressed their opinions and conclusions ABOUT the DEEN in spoken or written form, to some extent AS THEIR UNDERSTANDING PERMITTED

We gain benefit from each others science (knowledge), insight and understanding regardless of who we are, owing to the fact that our Originator, “ALLAH” has endowed a special talent and unique perfection for each one of us as different from others Nevertheless, RasulAllah Mohammed Mustafa (peace be upon him) is yet the only person whom everybody needs to be connected with and be subject to!

We are free to announce our personal opinions to each other We may reply other's questions under such titles (adding such phrases) as “in my personal opinion,” or “as far as I know,” However, all such replies will consist of our own personal opinions established on our own convictions ABOUT the Deen As none of such determinations are IN THE NAME OF ALLAH or the Deen, they do not generate any responsibility or obligation for anybody!

It is therefore that nobody's criticism on others regarding their accomplishment or failure in their practicing and nobody's judgments about someone that “he will go to Hell as he did not carry out that!” or “someone will go to Heaven as he did this” is ever conclusive or determinant “ALLAH” alone possesses the absolute command and determination about everyone's actions

You may choose someone whose knowledge you trust in, to be your religious mentor; and you might lead your life under the guidance of your mentor's instructions One should after all seriously consider the fact that anyone's instructions are SUBJECTIVE (relative to themselves), not the absolute and perfect truth OF ALLAH or the Deen!

So then, let us become aware that from whomever we may get information and whomever we may choose to be our hodja efendi, shaikh, mentor (alim), guide or instructor, we should avoid from criticism, blaming and judging people by depending on that person's perspective And let us realize that the absolute sentence (hukm) belongs to ALLAH for everybody!

We should know that, under the enlightenment of the principle “the believers are brothers,” we are here in this world to share our knowledge with each other and prepare ourselves for the future conditions awaiting us! More important than this, we need to know and attain ALLAH in our own “reality!” It will be impossible for us to realize it once we leave this world

After all, we have not come to this world in order to establish a government, to rule as sultan or to shepherd people in order to satisfy our egos!

And did you know that I am FOR THE “CALIPHATE?”

Let us dwell on it in our next chapter!

© Ahmed Hulusi's

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