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The Validity Of Other Religions, Because İslam Does Not Apply?

Eski 10-11-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

The Validity Of Other Religions, Because İslam Does Not Apply?

The validity of other religions, because Islam does not apply?
Hakkında The validity of other religions, because Islam does not apply?

The validity of other religions, because Islam does not apply?

The Prophet and the Prophet Muhammad the last (peace be upon him) to them in the past such as religion, God has sent prophets and religions in various periods of history separate the people of Islam, such as the arrival of Judaism, Christianity, ancient religions, came to an end and sent a new law for the disposal of the old law of Islam and Allah divine law repealed provision is removed from the end of the old religions and the divine law expires, it is the case with other major religions 1 - First, only a certain period of time, the old religions and all mankind, and covers general, all the objections out of the people of Islam, a certain neighborhood directed: the call to withdraw for reasons other than Islam to get back the following message to invite the universe 2 - as the old religions of atrocities, the people of that period, select the target, in its own time was not only rude people and knowledge, civilization, and an understanding of temperament was thought to transport and telecommunications, primitive of each region's culture, beliefs, customs and practices of various cultural exchange of ideas and did not need to send the prophets in all areas of individual income, is therefore very weak in other religions through time, human knowledge, ideas, culture and civilization in terms of EC To save a significant evolution, old, on the rights of the Islamic religion has become all-powerful can not hear the last religion of Islam does not meet the needs of the local population, sent a man on earth 1400 years, people discussed the possibility of a religion by taking care of all humanity in this sense the passage of goods up to the modern people of today and tomorrow and 3 to the Day of Judgement is available - in the old religions superstition when, on the basis of unity of belief in superstition mixed with faith in God, faith, Islam is still the first day of allotment is lost as a result of the freshness and purity remains intact, we are Islamic, a street full power of the sun illuminating the night like a torch of Islam to other religions and say that the street lamp lights the sun rises after the street need to torch the world is not it?

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