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Asi 2 - Asi Ve Reckoning - Thomas E. Sniegoski

Eski 09-07-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Asi 2 - Asi Ve Reckoning - Thomas E. Sniegoski

Kitap Özet

The time has come for Aaron Corbet, the eighteen-year-old son of an angel and a mortal, to face his worst enemy Verchiel, the fallen leader of the Powers, is determined to defeat the prophecy that foretold Aaron's power over all the Fallen And to do this, he intends to kill Aaron, hoping that the removal of such a "blight" will restore Verchiel in the eyes of the Creator

Aaron has been training for this showdown, working to understand and control the awesome force that resides deep within himself He knows he will win After all, Verchiel has taken away everything and everyone who ever meant anything to Aaron

He has nothing to lose until Verchiel introduces Aaron to his long-lost father

Türkçe Konusu Eklenecek

The Fallen Omnibus 2: Aerie and Reckoning
Published by Simon Pulse
July 20th, 2010
ISBN-10: 1442408634
ISBN-13: 978-1442408630

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