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change, climate, effects, gap, hydraulic, its, region

4. Climate Change İn The Gap Region And İts Hydraulic Effects

Eski 08-24-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

4. Climate Change İn The Gap Region And İts Hydraulic Effects

Objective :
To assess present trends of climate change in the GAP region as well as its possible effects on water resources and hydraulic characteristics of the region
Targets :

Analysis of the present climatic situation and need for data,
Modeling and scenarios for possible future climate changes and relevant parameters,
Identification of the effects of different projections on climate change on local hydraulic parameters,
Assessment of possible changes in climate on ecology and human beings,
Evaluation of strategies developed on the adaptation of other transboundary waters to changes in climate

Scope :

Definition of regional, synoptic and local climate patterns,
IPCC scenarios on future climate patterns,
Basin-scale modeling strategies in the context of scenarios for future climate patterns,
Assessment and analysis of hydraulic parameters

Participants were national and foreign experts from relevant governmental organizations, universities and voluntary organizations

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