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awareness, bullding, environmental, gap, region, trainers

10. Bullding Environmental Awareness İn Trainers İn The Gap Region

Eski 08-24-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

10. Bullding Environmental Awareness İn Trainers İn The Gap Region

Objective :

To provide a well-established system to solve present and future environmental problems in Adiyaman,
To ensure local participation,
To renew environment-related information in the face of rapid changes,
To establish environmental problems as a part of the common agenda,
To enhance environmental awareness,
To conduct awareness building and provide incentives to change existing consumption patterns in a more environment-friendly way

Targets :

To implement a training program on environmental awareness covering active groups in Adiyaman (including teachers in basic education schools in the first place),
To cover as wide sections of society as possible through the training of trainers

This training was organized jointly by the GAP RDA and "Green Steps Association" in Adiyaman on 20 - 21 June 2002

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