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Eski 08-24-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi


The problem of street children is valid for Turkey too as it is for many developing and even industrialised countries Although Istanbul leads the list in the number of children working in streets, the problem recently becomes more and more visible in South-eastern Anatolia mainly because of intensive rural to urban migration in the region
Educational background of families moving to cities is extremely poor and many have no skills at all for qualified employment Since the subsistence of these families in their new environments is quite precarious, they tend to send their children out to work in marginal jobs either with or without school attendance
Concerns about these children are growing recently Besides their sheer number in large urban centres of the region, these children are vulnerable to various risks and threats including their exclusion from labour legislation; physical and psychosocial risks awaiting them in streets; long and uncertain working hours; working as a factor interfering their school attendance and education; involvement in such activities as prostitution and drugs or child trafficking, etc all these suggest that children working in streets should be given priority in efforts to eliminate child labour in general

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