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Tinker Bell (Ünlü Çizgi Film Kahramanları)

Eski 07-14-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Tinker Bell (Ünlü Çizgi Film Kahramanları)

Tinker Bell
Hi, I'm Tinker Bell

My talent is
I like
Fixing things, adventures
I don't like…
Things I can’t fix
My favorite food is
Pumpkin muffins
My favorite flower is…
The Silverbell

Tinker Bell, J M Barrie'nin oyunu ve sonrasında gelen Peter ve Wendy adlı romanındaki hayali bir karakterdir
Tinker Bell, 13 cm boyunda sarı saçlı yeşil etekli kıskanç bir peridir Peter Pan'ın arkadaşıdır Peri ağacında diğer perilerle yaşar

Tink is the fairy we all know and love - spunky, rebellious, impatient, impulsive, determined, persistent, temperamental yet still charming and lovable She has a talent for tinkering, a love of "lost things," and is braver than most fairies when it comes to getting close to humans Of course, her temper can often get the better of her, but she’s always a selfless and dedicated friend when the chips are down
Tinker Bell is the jealous pixie who glows brightest for Peter Pan Her voice sings like a tinkling bell and a sprinkle of her pixie dust can make you fly But this sprite can turn spiteful if she suspects that Peter's attentions are diverted to anyone but herself It's bad enough that she has to compete with Never Land's other adoring females (the mermaids and Princess Tiger Lily), but now Peter's brought back this Wendy person from London Tink would lay down her life for Peter, but he's too busy playing Wendy's hero to care Somehow she'll find a way to settle the score, even if it takes eliminating the competition
In Sir James M Barrie's original play, Tinker Bell is traditionally staged as a flying point of light beamed from offstage Animator Marc Davis' personification of her as a winged pixie with a very womanly figure was widely criticized as too sexually suggestive by Barrie purists, especially after it was rumored that she was modeled after actress Marilyn Monroe Tink was actually modeled after Margaret Kerry, the actress who performed her live-action reference

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