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expectations, great

Great Expectations

Eski 04-07-2008   #1

Great Expectations


Philip, his sister and her husband Mrs and Mr Joe live togetherBecause when he was a baby his parents had died Every body call him PipBecause when he was a child he couldn’t say Philip he could say only Pip

MrJoe is a blacksmithThey live in a small townPip often visits his parents’ grave Their graves are in the churchyardOne day when he is in the churhyard , a convict wants him to bring some food

Pip attends the villag evening, school which was organize by an accidend relation of Mr Wopsle’s rout… it’s not enoughSo he thinks that he would be apprenticed to Joe So Mrs Joe,his sister ,sends him to Miss Havishams for better opportunites Miss Havishams hates all people , especially menHer house is very big,ancient and dark There is a girl Estella,in her houseShe was brought up by Miss HavishamsSo she also hates menPip often goes to Miss Havishams and he starts to fall in love with Estella

Pip becomes young manOne day lawyer says that Pip’s life will change in a good wayPip goes to LondonHe has a good job and he becomes richBut he thinks Miss Havishams helps him for having a better life

One day Mr Joe visits him for telling somethingHe talks about his sisterHis sister had diedSo Pip is very upset

One night when Pip is alone at home,he hears some noise and he goes to the doorHe sees a manHe comes slowlyPip suprises ! Because the man is a convict who Pip helpedConvict tells the truthHe is a person who changes Pip’s life

Pip visits Estella and Miss HavishmasPip says that he loves Estella But Estella says she doesn’t love anybody and she doesn’t belive love

The convict arrests by the policeAfter a few months Pip learns that the convict the convict has diedAt the same time , Miss Havishams dies and leaves all her fortune to EstellaPip decides to go back to the villageWhen he goes there , he learns Joe’s weddingAnd before going back to London he wants to see Estella oncePip goes to Estella and he says that he wants to marry to EstellaShe accepts

At the end of story everybody get happy


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