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Devote Muslim Science And İnvention

Eski 10-11-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Devote Muslim Science And İnvention

Devote Muslim science and invention
Hakkında Devote Muslim science and invention

Devote Muslim science and invention

The first paper factory established scholar Ibn Fazil

Measles and smallpox discovered; website Razi

The first defines the microbe Akşemseddin website

Cüzzamı scholar finds Ibn Cessar

Found that the plague was contagious scholar Ibn Preacher

Humpback TB bug finding website Vesîm

Retinal layer scholar Ibn Rushd finds

Ammar scholar who first eye surgery

Scholar Ali bin Abbas, who first cancer surgery

Small blood circulation İbnünnefis scholar finds

The first president of Physicians room Ridvan Ali bin

First to use zero Harizmi website

Battani was first found Trigonometric website

Tangent, cotangent and cosecant Abul first to use the Fidelity website

Trigonometry book by scholar Nasiruddin Tusi

The first scholar Ibn Yunus found the formula for trigonometric transformation

First find the formula for binomial scholar Omar Khayyam

The first book by differential website Fixed thousand Kurra

The first finding the decimal fraction Giyaseddin Cemşid website

The first scholar who usturlabı Zerkali

He was the first scholar to discover the world keeps turning

Scholar Moses brothers around the world and the first measure

First found on the website of the sun spots Fergani

Measure and develop the first ruler of the stars and scholar Jabir ibn Eflah openings

The first scholar Ahmad Ibn Musa designing automatic control systems

Cybernetics first establishing the website Ismail-al-Gezer

Laying the foundations of the first optical scholar Ibn Haytham

Your voice Engaged in the physical description of the first scholar Farabi

Ibn loom scholar who first turned to the decision

Hazerfen flying wings, the first scholar Ahmad Chalabi

Makes its first plane scholar Abu Firnas

The first finding gravity Razi website

The scholar Ibn Yunus first pendulum clock

The first calculates the specific gravity of substances Treasury website

Jabir ibn Hayyan website first finding the atom parçalanabileceğim

The first generation of Sky website explaining Kutbettin Shiraz

Scholar who set up the first chemistry lab Jaber

Of pure alcohol, the first scholar Razi

Bashir first finds phosphorus website

Sultan Mehmed's first find the trackball Mortar website

Ibn Battuta's travel website by the first continental

The first world map of the website draws Mürsiyeli Abraham

The first book by scholar Ibn Veterinary medicine

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