Prof. Dr. Sinsi
Hazrat Abu Bakr The Muslim Must
Hazrat Abu Bakr the Muslim Must
Hakkında Hazrat Abu Bakr the Muslim Must
Hazrat Abu Bakr the Muslim Must
Hz Muhammad (PBUH) 's closest and most intimate friend, the son of Abu Bakr Abu Kuhâfe, Quraysh kabîlesi'nin kolundandır Teymoğulları The father and mother by the descendants of the Prophet The Prophet (PBUH) 's lineage combines with the Mürre'de
Hz Abu Bakr had a great reputation among the Quraysh in Mecca Rich and honest tradesman Trust and intimacy between them, because the Prophet (PBUH) as the Prophet's family other than the first Ebu Bekir was invited to Islam Hz Abu Bakr said that the invitation was accepted without hesitation In fact, during the reign of ignorance, even worship idols ever to fully drink a sip of her mouth pretends to put ti Hz Abu Bakr being Muslim, the Prophet (PBUH) has gained great support His effort and delâletiyle, an important figure in Mecca, the son of Affan Osman, Awf's son Abdullah, the son of Abu Sa'd Vakkas, AVVA son, Zubair, Talha, son Ubeydullah have also accepted to Islam Hz Muslim after Hatice this 8 zata "The first Muslims" (Sabıkûn-i Islam) is called