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Melekler Nasil Varliklardir İngilizce

Eski 10-11-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Melekler Nasil Varliklardir İngilizce

Melekler nasil varliklardir ingilizce
Hakkında Melekler nasil varliklardir ingilizce

Melekler nasil varliklardir ingilizce

How beings angels?

Nurdan God created the angels which are totally different and people do not rebel What business do the job if they are created for Always worship Allah and obey Has been indicated that the Quran says this issue "Emrolundukları on them and do what they fear their Lord who judges and superior" (Nahl, 16/50), "Surely the Lord's ground floor (angel) to worship Him büyüklenmezler s They glorify Him, they worship Him alone "(A'raf, 7/206),

Commanded by God to a place in a certain place at a time other angels will be transferred to, or even a capable travel through the earth and sky were created Edilmemtedir winged creatures, the angels that the Holy Quran: "Praise be to Allah, Creator of the heavens, angels, two, three, four-winged messengers to Allah who He increases the creation whatever He wills "(Fatir, 35/1) Angels extremely strong and fast entities Easily make people could not deal with, they can not access quickly reach places

Angels can take different forms in the order of Allah For example, Gabriel, the Prophet Sometimes called the companions while the Prophet seemed Dıhye, sometimes it does not recognize the person was a stranger (Muslim; faith; 1) Hz Abraham and MARYAM 'e sent in the form of angels appear in human beings is also given in the Qur'an, (Mary 19/16-17, 11/69-70 Hud)

Not that they were not angels, they görülmeyişleri eye, our eyes is because he has not been created capable of I notice that we should deny them edemeyişimiz Angels eyes Although there are many things that we accept the existence of our eyes because we have not seen Mind, spirit, wit, such as assets, such as joy and sadness bunlardandır cases Then you have to believe in angels, such as the very existence of our souls and our minds

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