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Above The Law

Eski 07-22-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Above The Law

* 1not required to obey laws, privileged Just because he's rich, he thinks he's above the law not required to obey laws, privileged Just because he's rich, he thinks he's above the law
English Related Words* a babe in the woods
* a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
* a blot on the landscape
* a bolt from the blue
* a brand from the burning
* a buck of the first head
* a bun in the oven
* a cast of the eye
* a chip of the old block
* a chip off the old block
* a cut above
* a dog in the manger
* a drain on the resources
* a drop in the bucket
* a face like the back of a bus

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