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Jefferson Starship - All Nite Long (No Mp3 - Şarkı Sözleri)

Eski 09-08-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Jefferson Starship - All Nite Long (No Mp3 - Şarkı Sözleri)

if only the music would keep on playing
Jefferson Starship - All Nite Long (no MP3 - Şarkı Sözleri)
if only I could dance with you

if only I could keep on singin

all nite long, all nite long

if only we could dance toghether

all nite long, all nite long

if only we could keep this feelin

make it last all nite long

waitin for the next wave

wonder what's it gonna be

waitin for the next

all nite long, all nite long

whoa oo oh the dawn comes up like thunder

somebody give me a light I need a little

help thru the darkness

just a little light

enough to get me home

all nite long, all nite long, all nite long

sometimes the music's a doorway

out of the darkness into the light

climb the dream I can make you dream

all nite long, all nite long

see the ruins of a once mighty castle

a land where the sun casts no shadow

sings and wonders the sund of thunder

all nite long, all nite long

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