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giriş, lansing

Lansing Giriş

Eski 08-20-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Lansing Giriş

Lansing is the capital city of the US state of Michigan, and the state's sixth largest city It is located about 80 miles (125 km) west-northwest of Detroit and is mostly in Ingham County, although small portions of the city extend into Eaton County As of the July 1, 2008 Census Bureau estimate, it has a population of 113,968 and a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) population of 454,035 The even larger Combined Statistical Area (CSA) population, which includes Shiawassee County, is estimated at 524,915
The Lansing metropolitan area, colloquially referred to as "Mid-Michigan", is an important center for educational, cultural, governmental, business, and high-tech manufacturing institutions, including three medical schools (two human medicine and one veterinary), two nursing schools, two law schools including the nation's largest law school, a Big Ten Conference university (Michigan State), the state capital, the state Supreme Court and Court of Appeals, a federal court, the Library of Michigan and Historical Center, and headquarters of four national insurance companies
Lansing is the only US state capital (among the 44 located in counties) that is not also a county seat The county seat of Ingham County is Mason, but the county maintains some offices in Lansing

Kaynak : Wikipedia

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