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Understanding Tumescent Liposuction, bodysculpturing, bodyshaping, liposhaping, lipos

Eski 06-23-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Understanding Tumescent Liposuction, bodysculpturing, bodyshaping, liposhaping, lipos

Tumescent liposuction was developed by dermatologic surgeons in the mid 1980's and has become the more popular method of liposuction It is considered a major advancement that has completely changed surgical fat removal It is regarded as the "best" type of liposuction surgery to date

Tumescent liposuction is done using a local anesthetic A large volume of saline solution containing the anesthetic and a drug called "epinephrine" is injected directly into the areas where there are excessive fatty deposits Epinephrine is important in the surgical process because it shrinks capillaries and minimizes blood loss Minor sedation may be required for those who feel a little nervous about the surgery; however, most patients are usually conscious during the procedure
Tumescent liposuction consists of making a small incision in the skin in order to insert the tube that is connected to a vacuum type machine which will suck up the fat The tumescent method uses smaller cannulae than that of any other type of liposuction which results in less bruising and/or bleeding An elastic compression garment is worn after surgery to help the skin contract and heal This elastic sculpts the bulging areas and helps to achieve more attractive contours
Benefits of Tumescent Liposuction

Compared to other surgical methods, tumescent liposuction provides the following advantages:
  • Fewer skin irregularities
  • Less bleeding
  • Reduced bruising
  • Faster recovery
Risks and Side Effects of Tumescent Liposuction

There are risks and side effects associated with any type of surgery However, tumescent liposuction is a safe procedure with very few side effects Should the following types of side effects occur, they are usually easily corrected
  • Skin irregularity
  • Lumpiness
  • Dimpling
  • Loose skin
  • Infections
Tumescent Liposuction Recovery

Recovery time varies significantly from person to person Many patients are able to walk out of the office without assistance and get back to their regular routine within a few days The sooner the patient begins to move around, the faster the healing progresses For others, healing may entail the following:
  • It takes almost six weeks for any resulting scar to begin to soften and a full year to heal completely
  • A patient may feel temporary numbness in the treated area because the local anesthetic remains in the tissue for twenty-four hours or more after surgery
  • Some patients may experience minor discomfort after the numbness wears off
  • Physical exercise is not recommended until at least a week after surgery
Most patients are generally alert and able to function after surgery; they do not experience nausea and grogginess usually associated with general anesthesia

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