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History Of Nusaybin - Nusaybin Tarihi İngilizce Tanıtımı

Eski 08-14-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

History Of Nusaybin - Nusaybin Tarihi İngilizce Tanıtımı

History of Nusaybin - Nusaybin Tarihi İngilizce Tanıtımı

History of Nusaybin : Nusaybin is on E-90 highway on border of Syria between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers at northern “Mezopotamia” The town was build in BC 4500 by Subaru’s The Sumerian king Lugazakis named the town as “Nırbo” and rebuild it on the west of Çağ-Çağ river Nusaybin remained as the biggest and most important city at northern Mezopotamia in the history

From the day it was build until the Sümer empire was destroyed (BC 2850 ), Nusaybin was governed by the Sümer Empire Between BC 2850-2300 by Akads, between BC 2300 -2060 by Akad-Sümer Empire, between BC 2060-1800 the Babylons, between BC 1800-1305 by Hurri- Mitannis, Between BC 1305 -715 by Asur’s, between BC 612 – 330 by Med-Pers Empire, between BC 330 - 130 by Selefkus, between BC 130 – AC 50 by Apgar kingdom and until AC 637 the town wan governed by Roman’s and Sassanis In AC 637 Nusaybin was Canqueted by the Islamic Army and governed by Emevis, Abbasis, Mervanis, Eyyübis, Selçuks, in AC 1258 Hulagu sultan, karakoyuns, Artıkoğulları, and Akkoyuns In AC 1516 Ottoman Empire Conquted Nusaybin The name of Nusaybin when builded is not known today but we know that Sumerians called the town “Nirbo”

The town was called “Aramis or Nisibis” by Babilons, “Nabila, Kenge, Nas-ü-bina” by Hurri- Mitannis, “Antimosia” by Romans, “Nasıbina- Sarbo” by Syriacs, “Ahvas” by Sasanis, “Nasibeyn” by Arabs,“Nısebin” by ottomans and “Nusaybin” by Rebublic of Turkey

As it is seen, Nusaybin is called by similar names for about 7000 years During it’s history, the town witnessed many important events With the Romans, Nusaybin became the capital of Mygdonya state and had its best time in history between BC 130 and AC 637 By the expandation of the christian religion, a university was established in Nusaybin According to the records we have, 2000 students studied at this university The university had it’s best time when Mor Yakup and Mor Efram were presidents Regulations of the university had 26 rules which we have it today

Kaynak: Nusaybin Belediyesi

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