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Abba - Love Isn't Easy (But It Sure Is Hard Enough)

Eski 07-18-2008   #1

Abba - Love Isn't Easy (But It Sure Is Hard Enough)

you remember the first time, and all of your sweet sweet talk
Ain't heard it a lot since then love
Now look at that guy, he's making me cry
He leaves everybody and he only says goodbye
But if I would have to choose I wouldn't let you go
Just give it some more time and you will see our love will grow
Darling I know

We gotta have patience
Love isn't just a sensation
Some of the time it gets rough
Love isn't easy but it sure is hard enough
(Sweet sweet, our love is bitter-sweet)
Giving love is a reason for living
But a few things can be tough
Love isn't easy but it sure is hard enough
(Sweet sweet, our love is bitter-sweet)

From the first moment I saw you I've treated you like a queen
I've given you lots of presents
Now listen to that, just look at that cat
You'd think he was an angel but he's talking through his hat
But if I would have to choose I wouldn't let you go
Just give it some more time and you will see our love will grow
Darling I know

We gotta have patience
Love isn't just a sensation
Some of the time it gets rough
Love isn't easy but it sure is hard enough
(Sweet sweet, our love is bitter-sweet)
(Sweet sweet, our love is bitter-sweet)
Love is a reason for living
(Sweet sweet, our love is bitter-sweet)
But a few things can be tough
Love isn't easy but it sure is hard enough
(Sweet sweet, our love is bitter-sweet)

(Sweet sweet, our love is bitter-sweet)
Love isn't just a sensation
(Sweet sweet, our love is bitter-sweet)
Some of the time it gets rough
Love isn't easy but it sure is hard enough
(Sweet sweet, our love is bitter-sweet)
(Sweet sweet, our love is bitter-sweet)
Love is a reason for living
(Sweet sweet, our love is bitter-sweet)
But a few things can be tough
Love isn't easy but it sure is hard enough


Hakan Guven®
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