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Simple Present Tense 2 Alışkanlık Anlatan Ve Sürekli Olarak Tekrarlanan Eylemler İçerik

Eski 12-20-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Simple Present Tense 2 Alışkanlık Anlatan Ve Sürekli Olarak Tekrarlanan Eylemler İçerik

  • Simple Present Tense 2
  •  Nerelerde Kullanılır :
    1 Alışkanlık anlatan ve sürekli olarak tekrarlanan eylemleri anlatırkenI get up early every morning
    (Her sabah erken kalkarım) Policemen often direct traffic
    (Polisler sık şık trafiği idare ederler)
  • 2 Genel durumlar anlatılırkenMothers love their children
    (Anneler çocuklarını severler)Students learn English, French and German in schools in Turkey
    (Türkiye'de okullarda öğrenciler İngilizce, Fransızca ve Almanca öğrenirler)The sun sets in the west
    (Güneş batıdan batar)Children begin school at the age of seven in Turkey
    (Çocuklar Türkiye'de yedi yaşında okula başlarlar)
  • 4 Gelecekte yapılması düşünülen işler anlatılırken Mary takes the exam in july
    (Mary temmuzda sınava giriyor) I leave Istanbul tomorrow
    (Yarin İstanbul'dan ayrılıyorum)
  • The Simple Present Tense ile yapılan cümlelerde en çok şu zaman zarfları (Adverbs of time) kullanılır:Every day : her gün
    Every week: her hafta
    Every month: her ay
    Every year: her yıl
    Every Sunday: her pazar
    Once: bir defa
    Twice : iki defa
    Once a day: günde bir defa
    Twice a week: haftada iki defa
    Always: her zaman, daima
    Often: sık sık
    Usually: genellikle
    Generally : genellikle
    Frequently: sık sık
    Sometimes : bazen
    Rarely : nadiren, seyrek
  • Şimdi de The Simple Present Tense in yapısını görelim
  • Olumlu Şekli
    (Affirmative Form) Özne + Fiil Özne + Fiil I want some milk He wants some milk You want She wants We want It wants They want Ali wants
  • Yukarıdaki tabloda da görüldüğü gibi cümle HE, SHE, IT özneleri ile yapılıyorsa yazım kuralına göre fiil sonuna S, ES» veya IES takılarından birini alır, diğer öznelerde fiil hiç takı almaz
  • I like meat We like meat You like meat You like meat She likes Simon likes He likes Jane likes It likes They like
  • S Takısı ile İlgili Yazım Kuralları
  • 1 Fiil sesli harfle bitiyorsa (go - do gibi) veya son iki harfi SH, SS, CH, X ile bitiyorsa (catch, pass gibi) fiile S takısı yerine ES takısı gelir
  • We go I cath They discuss Ayşe goes Ali cathes They discusses I do We wash We guess Mehmet does He washes She guesses
  • 2 Fiilin son harfi Y ve bir önceki harf sessiz ise (fry, fly, carry gibi) Y harfi kaldırılır ve IES takısı getirilir Y harfinden önce sesli harf varsa (buy gibi) sadece s takısı getirilir
  • We fly They carry We fry He flies She carries She fries We say You pay You enjoy She says He pays He enjoys
  • The Simple Present Tense ile örnek cümleleri çoğaltalımI know the answer
    (Cevabı biliyorum)Ali loves Ayşe
    (Ali Ayşe'yi seviyor)The bread feels fresh
    (Ekmek taze -gibi- görünüyor)We often go to the theatre
    (Tiyatroya sık sık gidiyoruz)Climbers usually carry ropes
    (Dağcılar genellikle -yanlanndar ip taşırlar)My father leaves home at 7 every morning
    (Babam her sabah evden saat yedide ayrılır)Cows never eat meat
    (İnekler asla et yemezler)An elephant drinks a lot of water
    (Bir fil çok su içer)He always studies carefully
    (O her zaman dikkatli çalışır)
  • Olumsuz Şekli (Negative Form)
  • do not = don't does not = doesn't
  • Olumsuz Şekli
    (Negative Form) Özne + don't / doesn't + Fiil I don't live in Adana You don't We don't They don't He doesn't She doesn't It doesn't
  • The Simple Present Tense ile cümleler olumsuz yapılırken He, She, It gibi üçüncü tekil öznelerden sonra does not = doesn't, I, You, We, They gibi öznelerden sonra do not = don't getirilir, esas fiil hiçbir takı almaz
  • örnek cümleler:I saw my own skirts, (dresses)
    (Eteklerimi kendim dikerim )
    I don't saw my own dressesHe forgets my name, (his friend's name)
    (Benim adımı unutur)
    He doesn't forget his friend's nameYou make a lot of noise in the evenings, (your brothers)
    (Akşamlan çok gürültü yapıyorsun)
    Your brothers don't make any noise in the eveningsA good boy obeys his parents, (a bad boy)
    (İyi bir çocuk anne - babasına itaat eder)
    A bad boy doesn't obey his parentsThey do their homework at school (at home)
    (Onlar ödevlerini okulda yaparlar)
    They don't do their homework at homeNurten does housework in the morning, (afternoon)
    (Nurten evişini sabahleyin yapar)
    She doesn't do housework in the afternoonErdal has his lunch at school, (at home)
    (Erdal öğle yemeğini okulda yer)
    He doesn't haves lunch at home
  • Soru Şekli
    (Interrogative Form)) Do/Does + Özne + Fiil Do I drink milk ? Do you Does he Does she Does it Do we Do they
  • The Simple Present Tense ile yapılan cümleler soru şekline çevrilirken HE, SHE, ITDoes yardımcı fiili; I, YOU, WE, THEY öznelerinden önce Do öznelerinden Önce yardımcı fiili getirilir, esas fiil hiçbir takı almaz
  • örnek cümleler:— You ride a horse during the holiday
    (Tatilde ata binersin)
    — Do you ride a horse during the holiday?
    (Tatilde ata biner misin?)— That dog attacks strangers
    (Şu köpek yabancılara saldırır)
    — Does that dog attack strangers?
    (Şu köpek yabancılara saldırır mı?)— They eat snails in France
    — Do they eat snails in France?— His father sows seeds in the spring
    — Does his father sow seeds in the spring?— It melts in the sun
    — Does it melt in the sun?— They sometimes forget to pay
    — Do they sometimes forget to pay?— He usually has his lunch at that restaurant
    — Does he usually have his lunch at that restaurant?
  • Olumsuz-Soru Şekli
    (Negative-Interrogative Form) Don't/Doesn't + Özne + Fiil Don't I swim in the summer? Don't you Don't we Don't they Doesn't he Doesn't she Doesn't it
  • The Simple Present Tense ile yapılan cümleler olumsuz - soru yapılırken I, YOU, WE, THEY gibi öznelerden önce Don't , HE,SHE, IT gibi öznelerden önce Doesn't getirilir, esas fiil hiçbir takı almaz
  • örnek cümleler:—You often eat garlic
    (Sık sık sarımsak yiyorsun)
    —Don't you often eat garlic?
    (Sık sık sarımsak yemiyor musun?)—He knows the answers
    (O cevaplan biliyor)
    —Doesn't he know the answers?
    (O cevaplan bilmiyor mu?)—You know their address
    —Don't you know their address?—He always believes his teacher
    —Doesn't he always believe his teaeher?—She makes delicious cakes
    —Doesn't she make delicious cakes?—A camel carries heavy things
    —Doesn't a camel carry heavy things?—They polish their shoes every day
    —Don't they polish their shoes every day?
  • Tag Questions : Soru Ekleri
  • The Simple Present Tense ile yapılan cümlelere Tag Questions (Soru ekleri) şu şekilde getirilir Soru eklerinin cevapları ise genelde kısa olur
  • Cümle olumlu Tag Question olumsuz I eat fish, don't I? Yes, you do You type fast, Yes, you do She always rests after dinner, Doesn't she? — Yes, she does We help that poor boy, don't we? — Yes, we do They dislike getting up late, don't they? — Yes, they do
  • Cümle olumsuz Tag Question olumlu I don't speak quickly, do l? — No, you don't You don't park your car here, do you? No, I don't Ali doesn't tell my secret, oes he? — No, he doesn't She doesn't change her clothes everyday, does she? — No, she doesn't It doesn't bark all day long, does it? — No, it doesn't
  • Soru-Cevap örnekleri:a) Yes veya No ile cevaplanan sorulara kısa cevap verirken sadece do/does yardımcı fiilleri kullandır Uzun cevap örneklerini de birlikte görelim
    —Do you intend to pay him?
    (Ona para ödemeyi düşünüyor musun?)
    — Yes, I do'Yes, I intend to pay him— Do you intend to learn French?
    — No, I don't/No, I don't intend to learn French— Does your mother always wear a hat?
    (Annen hep şapka giyer mi?)
    — Yes, she does/Yes, she always wears a hat— Does your mother always go shopping at noon?
    — No, she doesn't/No, she doesn't always go shopping at noon— Does your cat stay in this room?
    — Yes, it does/Yes, it stays in this room— Does your cat sleep in your room?
    — No, it doesn't/No, it doesn't sleep in my room— Do we understand his language easily?
    — No, we don't/No, we don't understand it easily— Do they have dinner at that restaurant?
    — Yes, they do/Yes, they have dinner at that restaurant
  • b) Soru kelimeleriyle sorular sorulara nasıl cevap verilir:— What do your friends want to hire? (a car)
    (Arkadaşların ne kiralamak istiyor?)
    — They want to hire a car— What does that shop sell? (almost everything)
    (Şu dükkân ne satıyor?)
    — It sells almost everything— What do they think about their holiday?
    — They think to spend their holiday in Bodrum— Where does your girl friend go every week? (to her aunt)
    — She goes to her aunt every week— Where do they sell daily papers? (at that shop)
    — They sell them at that shop— Who works during the evening? (all of us)
    — All of us work during the evening— When does Mr Pip help you with your work? (whenever we want)
    — He helps us whenever we want— "How does Richard usually go to work? (by bus)
    — He usually goes to work by bus— What time do you usually arrive home? (700)
    — I usually arrive home at seven o'clock— How many papers does Michael buy on Sundays?
    — He usually buys three papers on SundaysExercise
    1 Cümleleri ömektekiler gibi a) Olumsuz, b) Soru, c) Olumsuz - soru şekline çevirinizÖrnek 1 — I put some sugar in my tea
    a) I don't put any sugar in my tea
    b) Do I put any sugar in my tea?
    c) Don't I put any sugar in my tea?örnek 2 — Linda gets here by bus
    a) Linda doesn't get here by bus
    b) Does Linda get here by bus?
    c) Doesn't Linda get here by bus?
    1 You smoke a packet of cigarettes a day
    2 Ahmet shares his room with his brother r
    3 My mother spends a lot of money on her dresses
    4 Those students hear everything they say
    5 That boy makes his parents happyExercise 2 — Sorulara a) Yes, b) No ile cevap veriniz
    1 Do you stay out late?
    2 Does your uncle live in Canada?
    3 Does the new teacher attend the interview?
    4 Does Ahmet normally pick Ayşe up at her house?
    5 Do the children feel very cold?Exercise 3 — Sorulara örnektekiler gibi kısa cevaplar veriniz
    Örnek 1 — This knife doesn't cut well, does it?
    — No, it doesn't
    2— She discusses the matter with her mother, doesn't she?
    — Yes, she does
    3 — You pass your exams every year, don't you?
    — Yes, I do
    4 — We don't arrange for an investigation do we?
    — No we don't1 You don't ask for any help, do you?
    2 The boys want to see her, don't they?
    3 She usually guesses what I think, doesn't she?
    4 A monkey doesn't eat meat, does it?
    5 She always causes accidents, doesn't she?Exercise 4 — Sorulara cevap veriniz
    1 What time do you In tend to meet her? (700)
    2 Who does the boss invite to the party? (his secretary)
    3 Where does Meral like to sit? (the front row)
    4 What smells so badly? (the cabbage)
    5 Why do you leave the baby alone? (It sleeps for a long time)

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla
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