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İngilizce Sağlık Durumu İle İlgili Deyimler

Eski 12-20-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

İngilizce Sağlık Durumu İle İlgili Deyimler

Deliler İçin Kullanılan Deyimler He?s not all there
not all there: kaçık, deli

She?s off her trolley
off one's trolley: kaçık

He?s got a screw loose
a screw loose: biraz kaçık

She?s a basket case
a basket case: çok kızgın bir kişi

He?s off his rocker
off his rocker: çılgın

He?s as nutty as a fruitcake
as nutty as a fruitcake: tamamen delirmiş

Ölümle İlgili Gayri Resmi DeyimlerShe?s popped her clogs
pop one's clogs: ölmek

She?s given up the ghost
give up the ghost: ölmek

She?s kicked the bucket
kick the bucket: nalları dikmek, ölmek

He?s bitten the dust
bite the dust: ölmek, düşüp ölmek

He?s fallen off his perch
Fall off his perch: ölmek

Tıb Dilinin Kullanıldığı Bazı Deyimler
a sore point/spot: hassas nokta

Örnek: Try not to mention baldness while he?s here ? it?s a sore spot for him

give someone a taste/dose of their own medicine: anladığı dilden muamele etmek

Örnek: Refusing to lend him money now would give him a taste of his own medicine ? he?s never lent you any

a bitter pill to swallow: yenilir yutulur olmayan

Örnek: Losing my job was initially a bitter pill to swallow

sugar the pill: kötü birşeyi tatlılıkla yutturmak

Örnek: The boss has sugared the overtime pill by offering a large extra payment

have itchy feet: seyahat etmek için çok istekli olmak

Örnek: I can?t stay in one place for more than a year without getting itchy feet

Aşağıda aynı anlama gelen deyimleri inceleyelim: Bu iki deyim, kendini iyi hissetmemek anlamına gelmektedir

feel off-colour
feel under the weather

Bu iki deyim, bir hastalıktan sonra, kendini daha iyi hissetmek anlamına gelmektedir

be on the road to recovery
be on the mend

Bu dört deyim, deli, çılgın anlamına gelmektedir

be as nutty as a fruitcake
be not all there
be off your trolley
be a basket case

Bu dört deyim ise, ölmek anlamına gelmektedir

give up the ghost
bite the dust
pop your clogs
fall off your perch

Aşağıdaki cümlelerde yer alan deyimlere göz atalım: Don?t mention the merger to him ? it?s a bit of a sore spot him (Ona şirket birleşmesinde bahsetme Bu konu onu biraz sinirlendiriyor)

Telling Joe what you feel may be a bitter pill for him to swallow, but you owe it to him nevertheless

Watching travel programmes on TV always gives me itchy feet

I wonder what?s happened to Stan ? he looks like death warmed up!

Plans to put increased funds into education are supposed to sugar the pill of increased taxation

Imagine someone as unfit as Ruth going on holiday in the Himalayas She must have a screw loose

A good game of golf at the weekend always helps to recharge my father?s batteries

Tom was quite ill for a while last year, but he?s as fit as a fiddle now

I was exhausted when I got home from work, but, after a nice cup ot tea, I?m as right as rain

Helen won?t understand the problem ? she?s one sandwich short of a picnic

Aşağıdaki cümlelerde yer alan deyimleri ve bu cümlelere karşılık olan cümleleri inceleyin I?ve got itchy feet ? Where would you like to go?
He?s as right as rain now ? That is a relief!
He?s not right in the head ? I know, Jane told me he was off his rocker
I?m going to tell him what I think of him ? Good Give him a dose of his own medicine
Dad?s a bit off-colour today ? Oh dear, I hope he?s OK tomorrow
Failing the exam was a bitter pill to swallow ? Yes, but she?ll get over

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla
Üye olmanıza kesinlikle gerek yok !

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