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sanzla, shakiraalejandro, tortura, türkçeingilizce

Shakira-Alejandro Sanz=La Tortura (Türkçe-İngilizce)

Eski 11-29-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Shakira-Alejandro Sanz=La Tortura (Türkçe-İngilizce)

no pido que todos los días sean de sol (ı’m not asking that every day be sunny)
(her gunun gunesli olmasini beklemiyorum)

no pido que todos los viernes sean de fiesta (ı’m not asking that there be a party every friday)
(her cuma gununun party olmasini beklemiyorum)

tan poco te pido que vuelvas rogando perdón (nor do ı ask you to come back begging forgiveness)
(ne de gelip benden af dilemeni bekliyorum)

si lloras con los ojos secos y hablando de ella (ıf you’re crying with dry eyes and speaking of her)
(timsah gozyaslari dokerek bana o kadini anlatiyorsan)

ay amor me duele tanto
(oh my love,
it hurts so much)
(askim, bu canimi cok acitiyor)

me duele tanto (hurts so much)
(cok acitiyor)

Que te fueras sin decir a dónde
(that you left without saying a word)
(tek kelime etmeden gitmen)

ay amor fue una tortura
(my love, it was torture)
(askim, iskenceydi)

perderte (losing you…)
(seni kaybetmek)

yo sé que no he sido un santo
(ı know ı haven’t been a saint)
(aziz degildim biliyorum)

pero lo puedo arreglar, amor
(but ı can make it up to you)
(ama bunu onarabilirim)

no sólo de pan vive el hombre (man does not live on bread alone)
(bir erkek yanlizca ekmekle/yiyerek yasayamaz)

y no de excusas vivo yo
(and ı don’t live on excuses)
(ve ben bahanelerle yasayamam)

sólo de errores se aprende
(we only learn from our mistakes)
(yalnizca hatalarimizdan ogreniriz)

y hoy sé que es tuyo mi corazón (and today ı know my heart is yours)
(ve bugun biliyorum ki kalbim senin)

mejor te guardas todo eso
(you better save that for yourself)
(bu laflari kendine sakla)

a otro perro con ese hueso y nos decimos adios (take that bone to some other dog and let’s say goodbye)
(o kemigi baska bir kopege gotur ve elveda diyelim)

no puedo pedir que el invierno perdone a un rosal (ı can’t ask winter to spare a rose bush)
( kistan gul tomurcugu,)

no puedo pedir a los olmos que entreguen peras (ı can’t ask an elm tree to bear pears)
(kayin agacindan armut vermesini,)

no puedo pedirle lo eterno a un simple mortal (ı can’t ask the eternal of a mere mortal)

(basit bir faninin olumsuz olmasini isteyemem,)

y andar arrojando a los cerdos miles de perlas (and go about casting thousands of pearls before swine)

(ve bir domuzun onune inciler sacacak degilim herhalde)

ay amor me duele tanto, me duele tanto (oh my love, it hurts so much, it hurts so much)
(oh askim bu canimi cok aciyor)

Que no creas más en mis promesas (that you no longer trust my promises)
(artik sozlerime guvenmeyeceksin)

ay amor (oh my love)

es una tortura (ıt’s a torture)

perderte (losing you)
(seni kaybetmek)

yo sé que no he sido un santo (ı know ı haven’t been a saint) (aziz degildim biliyorum)

pero lo puedo arreglar, amor (but ı can make it up to you)
(ama bunu onarabilirim)

no sólo de pan vive el hombre (man does not live on bread alone)
( bir erkek yanlizca ekmekle/yiyerek yasayamaz)

y no de excusas vivo yo (and ı don’t live on excuses)
(ve ben bahanelerle yasayamam)

sólo de errores se aprende (we only learn from our mistakes)
(yalnizca hatalarimizdan ogreniriz)

y hoy sé que es tuyo mi corazón (and today ı know my heart is yours)
(ve bugun biliyorum ki kalbim senin)

mejor te guardas todo eso (you better save that for yourself)
(bu laflari kendine sakla)

a otro perro con ese hueso y nos decimos adios (take that bone to some other dog and let’s say goodbye)
(o kemigi baska bir kopege gotur ve elveda diyelim)

no te bajes, no te bajes (don’t go, don’t go)
(gitme, gitme)

oye negrita mira, no te rajes (oh my love look, don’t get angry)
(askim bak, kizma)

de lunes a viernes tienes mi amor (from monday to friday you have my love)
(pazartesiden cumaya askim senin)

dejame el sabado a mi que es major (give saturday to me and you’ll be better off)
(cumartesiyi bana ver, gun senin olsun)

oye mi negra no me castigues mas (oh my love, don’t punish me anymore)
(oh askim, beni artik cezalandirma)

porque alla afuera sin ti no tengo paz (without you ı have no peace)
(sensiz huzurum yok)

yo solo soy un hombre muy arrepentido (ı’m just a repentant man)
( yalnizca pisman bir adamim)

soy como el ave que vuelve a su nido (ı’m the bird that returns to it’s nest)
(ben yuvasina donen bir kusum)

yo sé que no he sido un santo (ı know ı haven’t been a saint)
(biliyorum bir aziz degildim)

pero lo puedo arreglar, amor (but ı can make it up to you)
(ama bunu onarabilirim)

no sólo de pan vive el hombre (man does not live on bread alone)
(bir erkek yalnizca ekmekle yasayamaz)

y no de excusas vivo yo (and ı don’t live on excuses)
(ve ben bahanelerle yasayamam)

sólo de errores se aprende (we only learn from our mistakes)
(yalnizca hatalarimizdan ogreniriz)

y hoy sé que es tuyo mi corazón (and today ı know my heart is yours)
(ve bugun biliyorum ki kalbim senin)

aaaaay aaaaay aaaaay ay ay
ay todo lo que he hecho por tí (everything that you have done to me)
(bana yaptigin hersey)

fue una tortura perderte (ıt was torture losing you)
(seni kaybetmek bir iskenceydi)

me duele tanto que sea así (ıt hurts me so much that it is this way)
(ve canimi cok acitiyor boyle olmasi)

sigue llorando perdon (continue crying for forgiveness)
(hala affedilmek icin agliyorsun)

yo ya no voy a llorar por tí (ı’ll no longer cry… for you)
(senin icin… artik aglamayacagim)

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